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A new level of stress

edited August 2011 in General Banter
I've just achieved this. After the past month of being awesome and having happy awesome times it came to a halt just a few hours ago. I was on Facebook when my deployed sister informed me she would be back in two weeks. We've been using her car and didn't expect her for...about ten more months. My husband is in line for a new job that now he won't be able to take (at 2x the pay) and we are in no shape to buy a new car without taking additional student loans out. I also realized that I signed up for a super late class that now will leave me almost stranded at the school at the ungodly hour of 9:30 at night. Had I known that she was going to come back a week ago I NEVER would have made this last minute change to my schedule. Not only that, but no car=no going to my dharma courses. This simple piece of news just ruined all my plans for the next couple months to get us into a better situation. wahoo.


  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Sorry to hear about the situation @tamm. Maybe you can change your schedule back? Rent a car instead of buying one? (or take public transportation?)

    We have to keep in mind, even during the good times, that the higher we climb the further we can fall. There is no "good" without "bad", no happy without unhappy. From one end that's a depressing thought, from the other it's a thought full of hope.

    And yet we never get out of this up-down-up-down struggle unless that's exactly what we choose to do, to go to a place where there's neither happy nor unhappy, good nor bad/evil, pleasure nor pain.

    Always work to be done in this ever-changing reality.
  • I don't know where you're from, but they may have public transportation available. I use that, and I ride a bike for now. Bike is good exercise and it's fun sometimes. It's temporary as hopefully I'll be driving later this year, but it's nice to be able to get around without a car.
  • I can ride public transport and so can my husband; it's just remembering the time wasted doing it that I think is irking me at this time. Riding the bus doesn't give us many options for work because of where we live so we're stuck with my husband's dead end job of awfulness. Which, for him, happens to be 1hr away to and from via bus. I can especially ride the bus from the school, but the thing that worries me is being outside so late alone and in the cold in a few months.
    I'm wondering about the schedule and how angry and threatening the school's policy has become on the subject. :( I'm probably just going to leave it how it is and just deal with it. I am just hoping that we can procure a car. I might have to get a job...
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    If you're worried about the late night bus trips home carry pepper spray. I'm serious. Then learn how to use it on say a tree, just so you understand the dynamics of how to aim. That and bring an MP3 player with you. People are less likely to talk to you when you are listening to an MP3 player while waiting for the bus. Eventually someone may offer you a ride, so you'd have to make the call on that.

    The pepper spray and the MP3 player are just stuff to keep you feeling secure and relaxed regardless of what comes your way. But best case scenario is that nobody bugs you while you are listening to your MP3 player waiting for the bus. I travel all around Los Angeles very late night, and no one has ever harassed me. Could be my MP3 player, could be my appearance, could be my vibe, who knows. But either way I feel taking the bus at 9:30pm isn't too bad.

    You could always get a job too. I work a temp job while going to school. I've been saving money for both the dental work I want and my car. Expensive stuff, but I'm getting there.
  • I think that the spray is a good idea. I've had so many men offer me rides! O.O I always say no thanks, I'm married and they always think I'm lying. But better to be perceived as a liar than get stolen by random car snatchers!
    I guess I sound like a baby to someone in a much tougher town!
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    No I understand. I know girls get offered rides. That is why I mentioned the pepper spray. Because then if you ever came across trouble you would be ok. I was trained by an LAPD officer on self defense. One of the things he told the women training with us is that just about every case of attempted rape he came across where the woman fought back she ended up being safe, and the rapist ended up seriously injured and retreating or got knocked the f out. So fighting back really works.

    Pepper spray is a very effective weapon that I would recommend to all women that travel at night without their own car. Just as a measure of extra security.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited August 2011
    That's weird they think you're lying when you say you're married, and who are they to argue with you, anyway?! Creepy.

    I wouldn't give up on that great job your hubby got offered. There's gotta be a way. The job, after all, would enable him to buy or lease a car. Can you borrow a car? Can your parents help? Can anyone in the family spare a car to loan you temporarily, until your hubby gets set up in the new job, and can make car payments? Could you rent a car for a couple of weeks, until he can apply for a car loan? Think, think.... wrack your mind for a solution. Good luck! (Can your sister help in any way??)
  • Oh Dakini, that was the worst! I wasn't wearing my ring (I do that a lot) because it isn't something particularly beautiful but it means a lot. It is wearing thin because I've worn it for so long now. He looked at me and said, "you can't be married, you're not wearing a ring." *facepalm* This happened two times, believe it or not.
    He might be able to ride there with his brother who also works there. It is a bit of trouble though because he only goes in 3 days a week because he lives so far away so he works at homr. I think that my sister is going to *maybe* let us just use it maybe for an extra week-ish just to figure something out. We're currently dirt, dirt poor and so a car payment is totally not something I could undertake. We'll think of something. You'd think with a family of fundies I'd be able to borrow a car but they're currently sharing 2 cars between the 5 adults. :(
  • He can ride to work 3 x/wk with his brother, then maybe borrow the brother's car for a 4th day... and maybe he can work something out with the bosses so he can work from home the 5th day? Think positive.... There's gotta be a way!
  • Oh we're being very positive still! He gets to go in for his interview tomorrow! So I'm crossing my fingers. :p I'd say the borrowing car thing would work, So his brother is living an hour south of us and the job is about 30 min north of us. At least I know I can get to school and to the store, even without the car. We'll think of something! Thanks for your kind comments!
    Yes! I am continuously praying. I keep having dreams that my lama is trying to tell me something but I have to leave.
  • Interesting recurring dream.
    Best of luck. Let us know how the interview went.
  • I just had another dream like that last night! I guess of all my worries, being cut off from being able to have the chance to learn dharma seems to be the one bothering me the most. Oh he's so excited about the interview! He is wearing new pants and a new shirt and he's ecstatic. We found out the money will be available later this week to shop for cars. So much of my stress has subsided into focus to really get something that will work! :)
  • YAY!! I love happy endings!! :):)
  • :):):) It just got even better! My sister (who's car we're driving now) just sent me a mail saying that her husband just got a new car and they want to let us either buy his old one or borrow it while we find a new one. It really is a blessing to have such nice family members!
  • There ya go!
  • It's all falling into place. It was meant to be! Hopefully the interview went well. : )
  • :D Thanks again for the support you guys! It is all falling back into line and far more quickly than I could have hoped! The interview went splendidly! He said that it was an amazing experience and he looked so handsome! :p They might have to wait to take him on because they are changing that department a bit, but they were very interested in talking to him and the interview was almost two hours! So this has all been very good. :) He'll hear more about the job on Monday.
  • You are SO blessed, tamm! You have a great support network in your family. Of course, ideally, this is how families are supposed to work. Sadly, reality is often very different from the ideal. But you scored! You must've done many good acts in past lives. :)
  • I'm so glad they love me! *tears up* I'm buying her a huge frozen pie when she comes back since she's been burning in the sun the past few months! :) I hope I did a lot of good things! lolol :p Thanks Dakini!
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