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Namarupa -> Consciousness -> Namarupa -> 6 sense media

TalismanTalisman Veteran
edited September 2011 in Philosophy
I was just thinking about how namarupa arises dependent upon consciousness. It made sense from a "spiritual" point of view but not from a realistic one. Where is consciousness without namarupa? And then I was reminded that the Buddha also describes consciousness as arising dependent upon namarupa. They arise dependent upon one-another.

It's interesting, however, that the Buddha makes a distinction between the two. Why not create some sort of combination that includes both consciousness and namarupa. But then there is the fact that consciousness arises not only dependent upon namarupa but also dependent upon volitional formations. It's so interesting!

Volitional formations do not directly give rise to namarupa, but "feed" the arising of consciousness which "feeds" namarupa which is in turn "feeding" consciousness as well. And then namarupa "feeds" the arising of the 6 sense media.

So is the 6 sense media just the eyes, ear, tongue, nose, body, and intelect? Or does it include the corresponding form of consciousness? And if so, how is it that consciousness is distinct from the 6 sense media to which it applies?

So basically, there are volitional formations which feed either directly or indirectly both consciousness and namarupa, then both consciousness and namarupa either directly or indirectly feed the 6 sense media. It's interesting that cognition/discernment/consciousness both gives rise to and is part of the 6 sense media. I suppose this is what dependent origination means. Every link in the chain feeds and gives rise to all other links. Think about it! Feeling is a part of the "nama" of namarupa and it is arisen dependent upon contact. They are all giving rise to one-another! So in the same line of thinking, cessation of any link in the chain would cause the entire system to collapse and cease.

BRILLIANT! How did he so lucidly discover this process? What insight!
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