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MPNS Vegetarianism

edited September 2011 in Philosophy
In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, the Buddha gives his final instructions on the matter of vegetarianism, insisting that his followers should not eat meat or fish.
Some Buddhists claim that eating meat is acceptable according to the Buddha, and that even the Buddha himself ate meat. But this claim is gainsaid by the Buddha in this final of his Mahayana sutras. If one wishes to cultivate Great Loving-Kindness and not frighten sensitive sentient beings by the stench of death which meat-consumption causes to linger about one’s person, one should refrain from eating all and every kind of meat. This is the Buddha’s final Mahayana pronouncement on the matter.
“Blessed One, what was your intention in stating that meat and fish are wholesome foodstuffs?”
“I did not say that meat and fish are wholesome foodstuffs"

‘According to our vinaya, the Blessed One has said that alms of meat-stuffs are acceptable’ and who will concoct their own [scriptures] and contradict each other.

I say that even meat, fish, game, dried hooves and scraps of meat left over by others constitute an infraction. Previously,I taught this in cases arising from the needs of the situation. Now, on this occasion, I teach the harm arising from meat-eating. Being the time when I shall pass into Parinirvana, this is a comprehensive declaration.”


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Okay, so considering all the many threads on this, what's new?
  • Thank you. In being, in lieu of idea or moral, my choice has always been that of the vegetarian meals over the consumption of meat, as it seems unhealthy to eat animals. Perhaps this is why the Buddha taught against eating meat.

    However, there does seem to be exceptions in terms of medicine only, that I have been contemplating; that is, bones which carry pharmaceutical properties.

    What are your views?
  • I don't think it's good to get attached to specific parts of Buddhist texts. They don't have the same credibility as other religious volumes, so using them as ultimate proof of what Sakyamuni Buddha taught is problematic.

    And I'm a vegan, so I feel strongly about meat consumption :). I just won't argue my position(s) on the matter here, as, in my brief time here, I've seen a number of users comment on how exhausted they are of the subject.
  • I have come across some people who, whilst not vegetarian, will only eat meat from large animals such as cows because one cow can feed many people whilst, for example, for one person to eat a seafood dish a lot of lives must be sacrificed. It's an interesting theory, to be sure.
  • in general, the land, water, air, and energy consumption is all affected by cattle production. Its detrimental to the enviroment and people all around. you can feed a lot more people with the grain they feed the cow then just with the cow alone. The way we treat these animals is barberic also. There is a lot of information out there about the harm that animal production does to everything and everyone. Including the animals that are trapped in the holocost like conditions.
    To each their own I guess. I just cant support such things. The animals are being exploited for greed. And so is the eviroment.
    I have come across some people who, whilst not vegetarian, will only eat meat from large animals such as cows because one cow can feed many people
    I agree but unfortunately here in America, it boils down to money. How much money can one cow bring in.
    I worked in a meat shop first hand as a certified meat cutter. I hate to admit that. I got out of it because my practice led me to understand how it truly is wrong livelyhood. Ive seen some stuff get sold to people that should have been thrown away. Im not proud of that. It was all about money.
    I dont ever push a vegan agenda on anyone, but I thought I would share my take on it. I think a lot of thought should go into it. Its effects on everything, including your own body.
    with metta
  • I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian myself. I may one day take the plunge into veganism, but I'm just not psychologically ready yet. Too attached to cheese, I guess! :D
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