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Call for contributors to the Buddhism FAQ
I am planning on writing a comprehensive Buddhism FAQ specifically for westerners or those belonging to other spiritual backgrounds. I am interested in volunteers for helping fill out the following sections:
1) A brief history of Buddhism
2) The historical facts (life story) of the Buddha
3) Buddhism can reconcile with any other religion (or something to that effect)
I am creating a private forum for this project. The goal is not to be exclusionary, but to provide a place for edits/revisions that won't be seen by the general or casual visitor so that there is no confusion.
If you are interested in helping, please PM me so I can grant you access to the appropriate forum.
I am hoping to be able to give out small "assignments" - chunks of the FAQ that you will contribute (everyone will get full credit, of course), and have peer review amongst all contributors.
Again, please PM me if you're interested.
I am also interested in QUESTIONS - if you are new to buddhism, or you have questions about buddhism, please post them here so we can include the most common ones in the FAQ.
Thank you so much! :bigclap: