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Belief and Practice

edited September 2011 in Philosophy
If you did not clean your mind and practice, of course you will come back on here complaining of more misery. How it's everybody else's fault or the teaching it'self thats at fault!

This Practitioner's article sums it up nicely!

"Under the dim light (lay person’s eyes), many people understand that there are consequences for committing bad actions. They think that as long as they do positive things and have a good heart, having faith in any religion is unimportant. Some people say, “It’s sufficient to believe in Buddha, there is no need to cling to becoming a vegetarian.” I once saw this kind of comment as a personal preference and I would respect other people’s choices. But after attending meditation classes at the Buddha Mind Monastery, and reading the Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, I realize that practicing Buddhism in addition to faith makes a huge difference."


  • we cant change individual perception as each of us has their way and believe so if u gonna applied the teaching to them its of no use unless they gone through
    the experience and happening,then they will realise which is the right practice and believe.i always dont care about their beleive as we cant impose the rules on them.let them go their natural way.dont attach to them then u will be fine
  • Compassion without wisdom is weak compassion. Wisdom without compassion is weak wisdom. Compassion and wisdom are brought to life through practice.

    Each individual grows into their own practice, each at their own pace and by their own capacity.

    The two plum trees—
    I love their blooming!
    one early, one later.

  • If you did not clean your mind and practice, of course you will come back on here complaining of more misery. How it's everybody else's fault or the teaching it'self thats at fault!
    Well, that's me put in my place...

  • Save yourselves so you can save the world!!!! You might be the next Patriarch if you work hard it to purify your mind!!!!

    Make sure you teach me first!!!! :P
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