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[ The Sutra Story 10 | The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra ]

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited September 2011 in Philosophy
About Shakyamuni Buddha:
Shakyamuni Buddha is the one who founded Buddhism. After he attained enlightenment and achieved the complete understanding of the universe, he decided to become a teacher to pass on his knowledge to everyone. His teachings were all recorded in the Sutra.

About this cartoon series:
This cartoon series consists of ten episodes. It gives an overview of Shakyamuni Buddha's life and a collection of his most important teachings as well.
This series places its emphasis on the Pureland Buddhism. The last four episodes cover the most important three Sutras of the Pureland Buddhism.
The cartoons was originally produced by Jodoshinshu, West Hongan-ji, Japan and translated into Chinese later by Fushine Ltd., Taiwan.

About Buddhism:
Is Buddhism a religion? Or rather a philosophy? Or something else? What is a Buddha? A God or a human? You might find astonishing answers in this book: Understand Buddha's Teaching.pdf

Download DVD of the whole series, see instruction:

The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra:

Download video with subtitle:


  • Is Amida Buddha mentioned in any other sutras? How do we know that he truly exists? There are many people who weren't born into the Pureland Buddhist sect, so where does their faith in Amida and his Pureland come from? As a Jodo Shinshu by birth (although not a fervent one ;D), I am curious to find out how others that discovered it for themselves rationalized Amida's existence or if a belief that he exists is even needed?
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