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four types of food / kabalika ahara

upekkaupekka Veteran
edited September 2011 in Philosophy
if there is any discussion we have before, could you please bring it up again (i do not know how to do that)

if you can guide me to any relevant suttas, articles, discussions please do so

thanks in advance


  • "There are, O monks, four nutriments for the sustenance of beings born and for the support of beings seeking birth. What are the four?

    SN 12.63
    Monks, there are these two searches: ignoble search & noble search. And what is ignoble search? There is the case where a person, being subject himself to birth, seeks [happiness in] what is likewise subject to birth. Being subject himself to aging... illness... death... sorrow... defilement, he seeks [happiness in] what is likewise subject to illness... death... sorrow... defilement.

    And what may be said to be subject to birth? Spouses & children are subject to birth. Men & women slaves... goats & sheep... fowl & pigs... elephants, cattle, horses, & mares... gold & silver are subject to birth. Subject to birth are these acquisitions and one who is tied to them, infatuated with them, who has totally fallen for them, being subject to birth, seeks what is likewise subject to birth.

    MN 26
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    edited September 2011
    Thanks DD
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