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What does Huang Po mean by the following quote.......?

wonderingwondering Veteran
edited September 2011 in Buddhism Basics
“Not till your thoughts cease all their branching here and there, not till you abandon all thoughts of seeking for something, not till your mind is motionless as wood or stone, will you be on the right road to the Gate.”

This seems rather radical to me. How can a person stop thinking? Don't we think when we discuss topics on this forum? If so, then whatever we say is possibly misleading. It is weird, maybe there is nothing to talk about, or think about. Is this what Buddhism leads to? Great discoveries of science and many other very beneficial accomplishments have taken a lot of thought. So why is Huang Po saying to cease thought?


  • It doesn't mean to stop thinking. It means to let go of the narrative. You have a narrative going right now in your mind. And it is just chatter. It obstructs clear vision of the here and now.

    Huang Po is just saying to be simple in the here and now.
  • This has to be understood in light of emptiness. Thinking is conceptual and always implies the division of subject and object. What is referred to in Zen as "non-thinking" is not the opposite of thinking-- that would just be yet another dualism. So non-thinking in the context of Zen is not what you think! (pun intended!)

    "Non-thinking" means non-abiding-- the point of awakening is not simply to transcend (let go of) the relative world of samsara, but to transcend (let go of) the absolute world of nirvana. Its just another way of expressing that emptiness too is empty. All of this has its roots in Nagarjuna and the Diamond Sutra.

    From one perspective, zazen is goalless. From another perspective, zazen aims at stilling the mind, dissolving the grasping mind that conceptualises everything. The truth is, we rarely perceive reality, we see abstractions by carving up the wholeness of the world into bits and pieces. When that conceptualising mind (the self) gets out of the way, then we see (we become) reality, as opposed to an abstraction in our minds (along with everything else).
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited September 2011
    not till you abandon all thoughts of seeking for something, not till your mind is motionless as wood or stone, will you be on the right road to the Gate.”
    It means not til you stop grasping at things (not til you abandon attachment), and not til you've achieved stillness in meditation (and can apply that to everyday activities, staying in the moment, as riverflow said, rather than your mind racing in many directions at once) will you make progress on the path.

    One doesn't stop thinking. One breaks the habit of thinking of a million things at once. You're washing the dishes, but also putting together a grocery list, thinking of the list of chores you have to do later in the day, wondering how to deal with a certain problem at work, and on and on. Via meditation, you learn how to live with a quieter mind that is able to focus on the task at hand, then move to the next one and focus on that, without extraneous thoughts.
  • when you see just see. there is just seeing. the act of seeing. the process of seeing.

    the object and subject is projected afterwards. it is an assumption from the mind.

    prior to this is just seeing. we assume that when there is seeing there is always thinking. no thinking can be watched. thinking comes and goes. there are gaps. these gaps are the silence.

    just see. just hear. just smell. just taste. just feel. just think. all of it is verbs with no subject.
  • wonderingwondering Veteran
    edited September 2011
    Someone mentioned that we stop the narration in our mind. Here is a definition .....

    NARRATION: Narration refers to the way that a story is told, and so belongs to the level of discourse (although in first-person narration it may be that the narrator also plays a role in the development of the story itself). The different kinds of narration are categorized by each one's primary grammatical stance: either 1) the narrator speaks from within the story and, so, uses "I" to refer to him- or herself (see first-person narration); in other words, the narrator is a character of some sort in the story itself, even if he is only a passive observer; or 2) the narrator speaks from outside the story and never employs the "I" (see third-person narration). See also third-person omniscient narration; third-person-limited narration; and objective shot.

    So there is mental activity about the telling of events. I am a bit confused. On the one hand your saying it is OK to think, just don't think continually. Stop the chain of thoughts for awhile. But on the other hand, you seem to be saying that there is no way to experience true reality or the true nature of things by thought. Wouldn't it be better to see directly? That would require the absence of the formation of thoughts. Then one would see clearly and understand the nature of life. By having a narration people put together wrong ideas about life because thoughts are just temporary/fleeting. So i guess what to do is meditate so one can stop the ever flowing thoughts and then slowly your thinking becomes part of the world as it really is, not what we imagine it to be?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited September 2011
    you say apple or you can bite into it.

    experience and concepts have a disconnect.

    you don't stop thoughts. there is no you to stop the thoughts.
    thoughts appear and disappear.

    just be. in being just see. in seeing just watch. all things come and go. watch how there is grasping to concepts. the self is a projection. the other is a projection. all things only exist nominally. prior to this all is perfection. reality as it is, is what it is. the sky is blue. the grass is green. or JUST THIS or silence or just seeing. there is no inside or outside. all are projections that we place forward retroactively.

    don't stop the thoughts. just watch them appear and disappear. they are tourists. stop, be, and see. what's here?
  • they are tourists. stop, be, and see. what's here?
    Thank You! That makes a lot of sense. Thoughts can just come and go......."tourists is a great idea! :)

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited September 2011
    This seems rather radical to me.
    yes. it sounds rather radical, to you
    How can a person stop thinking?
    can a person stop walking? can a person stop talking? if so, a person can stop thinking
    Don't we think when we discuss topics on this forum?
    yes we think when we discuss...but we do not go to the toilet

    there is a time for thinking...a time for going to the toilet...and a time to stop thinking...
    Great discoveries of science and many other very beneficial accomplishments have taken a lot of thought.
    sure...but they are also driven by human fears & desires
    So why is Huang Po saying to cease thought?
    so the mind can develop the peace of tranquility meditation & the liberation of insight meditation

    when human beings suffer, when human beings are neurotic & psychotic, it is due to their out of control thoughts

    what Huang Po said is quite straightforward, for those interested in meditation

    regards :om:
  • Huang Po was an interesting early patriarch and teacher of the traveling monk who would go on to found Japanese Rinzai Zen. Huang Po's teaching focused on Quiet Mind meditation with a vengance, by all accounts, and his surviving words talk of quiet mind and cutting off conceptual thinking as BEING enlightenment. The strong statement that there is nothing "out there" to find and the flowering of "original mind" Zen doctrine started with this man andhis followers.

  • So far the discovery of science or scientists can't achieve a serenity joys' mind, whereas Huang Po's attained. :om:
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