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something to ponder

taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
edited September 2011 in Arts & Writings
in such view we see a man who is walking. for the man there is no subject or object but just the pure action. in the action he dissolves and all that remains is the pure walking. the foot meeting the ground meeting the consciousness. all conditions ready and appearing and totally dependent on each other. like a finger meeting a finger. in a moment the arising of an agent forms, but in the pure action everything is dissolved.

such is going on always, yet we get comfortable in the illusion.


  • such is going on always, yet we get comfortable in the illusion.
    This is why we meditate--to help us maintain the right view.
  • yes! practice, practice, practice, practice. shall we always be in meditation.
  • I have not read that much about it yet (In fact I only heard about it a few weeks ago) but so far dependent origination hurts my brain...
  • it is work and it is something to struggle with. but it is the essence of the mahayana.
    so keep with it. study it. get it intellectually. cultivate the ethics and mindfulness to directly perceive it.
    save yourself so that you may save all beings!
  • I agree, shays860. Emptiness, dependent origination...I kind of blow them off. Too cerebral. What the OP describes, for me is more experiential. Meditation can definitely cause you to see/experience reality in a different way.
  • I will definitely try Taiyaki. Thank you for the encouragement. Now I just need more books... sigh.

    Dakini: I'm sure I should be able to figure it out but I'm having trouble... OP?
  • op means original post or original poster.
    i highly suggest listening to lama marut's podcasts.
    he also has videos online.

    have fun!
  • I have struggled with DO for probably close to ten months now, I assume due to lack of practice. It nearly clicks, but then i realize I do not fully understand it at all.
    I guess i am still stuck in the world of illusion and sheer ignorance, and I know there isn't too much anybody can say that will provide a full realization, it is down to you alone to reach that point.
  • I have not read that much about it yet (In fact I only heard about it a few weeks ago) but so far dependent origination hurts my brain...
    @shays860 Thich Nhat Hanh's The Heart of Understanding deals with dependent origination and emptiness in a really down to earth way that shouldn't hurt your brain. Its a small, inexpensive book, but TNH explains it beautifully. I *highly* recommend this book. :)
  • @riverflow Thanks. I'll check it out.
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