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I keep chasing some sort of "high", it's like taking perkasets..

edited October 2011 in Buddhism Basics
I don't know if this is normal or not, It's hard to explain but I keep chasing these "realizations" to make my emotional flatness feel a little better, can anyone relate? Or have advice?

Peace and love


  • I think the thread "the high" would seem to pretty much address this..
  • Thats what is meant by 'craving'.. The problem is that all of our addictions don't add up to what we thinjk they can do for us. For example perkosets can give you an addiction that eventually damage your liver. Most drugs do more damage to the emotions than they help.
  • This is exactly what some Buddhist books describe, sam, is what you're experiencing. they say people are always looking for the next distraction, they can't just sit and be content with themselves. The prescription for this malaise is: Dharma practice. Have you tried meditation? It can help calm you and center you, if you use the correct breathing technique. It will take time to find contentment, so don't expect magic, though some here have said that after beginning Buddhist practice, they feel calmer and happier.

    "Emotional flatness"? Are you on anti-depressants or other mood prescriptions? they can cause emotional flatness.
    Are you in college? How did that whole quandary work out? Where are you at with life, right now? Studying, or working? Maybe you can find joy and fulfillment in your studies, if you're in school.
  • Yeah I think when you have all this stress of work/school/growing up... the last thing you want to do is get on drugs. The drugs take a toll on your emotions and waste your time you have to SIMPLIFY. Ok so you feel emotionally flat? Simplify. Accept how you feel. Get on with your day and construct positive activities and free your mind from burdens. A walk in the sun? A bike ride? Making eggs and toast for breakfast?

    Life is not all about HIGHS and mania... Now you do need to talk to your doctor and try to find BOTH some drugs that relieve symptoms AND not so much side effect. So experiment with your medications. Hopefully your doctor is up on current knowledge in medicine.

    Its a good time to experiment with peace. Experiment with just having the simplicity of now? Feel your mind all the storm. And notice how you live and you willl die. And all this storm is passing. Breath. Dog barking. Breath. Feel the waves of sadness or peace or whatever is going on in your heart. Feel your fingers and wiggle them. Watch a four year old sometime and see how innocent to the world they are.

    Don't make things complex and get hooked on drugs. Just make it simple and have your life - plain and wholesome. Eventually: generosity is to give yourself a good life. To do that you have SILA or ethics appropriate behaviour... Then patience PATIENCE... this turns boredom into resting!

    So yeah this dharma practice really does make a difference. I have seen turning points in my life when I listen to the message of peace and simplicity.

  • It's hard, I still think about starcraft, even though I've stopped playing computer games for more than a year now, I couldn't help but watching youtube clips of scenes from star craft 2 :(
  • Don't chase it. Relax, meditate and the joy will come to you.
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