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on love, relationships, and sex. please love and tollerate my spelling and gramar

cabossimncabossimn Veteran
edited October 2011 in Philosophy
what is love baby dont hurt me dont hurt me no more ah humor.

we are supposed to get rid of the idea of the self i know. but some worldly things can bring us wisdom as well as others cant. in this im going to talk about the three things i hope to experience before becoming a monk. yeah i said it i want to be a monk. the toughest thing will be not indulging in a 2 minute nirvana any more. but were all mature here so no one minds free expression right? okay now to the crux of the matter.

love is not like a relationship. true love can be many things ive meditated on love alone at least 50 times(keep in mind i just became a buddhist so ill be meditating a lot more now any way. true love is where you love some one more than romantically. in fact you love them so much you dont even bother to think about romance and oh you must be "mine" and blah blah blah we get it america you want to sell flowers chocolates and greeting cards. romance is a false idea it is just infatuation that lasts so long that youre in to deep when you figure out you dont love them. love is when that person influences your life so much and you hers/his that you feel a trust youve never felt before. and you share and you know each other on a level where you look at people in marriag and you look at people in relationships and youre like dude get on my level and the spitual bond is so gret that when youre with them just being around them and talking to them and hanging with them puts you in a state of nirvana and you go home and toalk to them till they fall asleep and you spend the rest of the night and morning awake meditating and learning about buddhism which is for you cause youre a philosopher at heart whos main goal in life isnt sex money drugs rock and roll no you are a 17 year old kid living in america wanting to be enlighted so you sit and think and meditate and philosiphize and wonder how in the world youll get to a monistary in thailand. and all the while youre think about that one the one you love the most imporrtant and influencul person in your life and you dont even want a relation ship because shes not that girl but she is the girl whos teaching you more and more wisdom each day.

full relationships. they should not be taken lightly. its when you and them are at peace with you and them and you just get each other on a spiritualy infused leveland there is nothing else everything you do is a step in the right direction to better yourself to become them and they become you and you are one and you have sex but not in an animalistic way in a humanistic way.

sex. it should be like a could convorsation a smyphony apoem a work of art not nitty gritty wild crazy messy. you should enjoy it use it to get to know the person to show trust and comfort and not to get off. when you get off thats not the end of the smphony thats the end of the overture of a Shakespearean play. in fact once you get off it can be even more beautiful because now you arent distacted by primal desires. so you can get to the reall stuf you can say hey i love you i need you id do any thing for and you join spirits and creat a peace yove never felt before. this is what sex should be like. whos with me?


  • What's to disagree with? You nailed it! Are you going to miss this when you become a monk?
  • Wow! I hope sex will be like that for me. It's the dream.
  • heh yeah i am going to miss it i just hope im not a virgin when im a monk. though becase i want to be a monk i probably wont have any time for relationships. but love like i have for my freind rebecca that is something i cherris. i know im supposed to not judge anything but thats why im not enlightend.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited October 2011
    though becase i want to be a monk i probably wont have any time for relationships.
    Being a monk isn't about not having time for relationships. It's usually about renunciation and a vow of celibacy, except in some Zen sects and some TB sects. Are you sure you know what you're getting into, cabossimn? Just checking...
  • i said that not in a litteral sense more so playful phrasing. like somone in prison saying well i dont really have time for killing anymore. but yes i know a little about what im getting into and i know its for the right reasons its not because i want to impress any body but i want to be wise and enlightened and free from worldly things. ive felt this way for awhile i just have on loy recently known of Buddhism. and it just makes sense to me there is no need for over interpritation just understanding.
  • i want celibacy actually i really dont care about sex. it can be very beautiful, but its a more beautiful feeling to understand i love my closest freind more than anything. she is amazing and i trust her and would die for her but i dont want anything physical i just want spiritual. and i want to lave everyone like that. that would be a much more fulfilling experience than sex.
  • Pretty impressive, cabossimn. Good luck. Please try to stay in touch with us after you get into the monastery, if possible. Let us know how you're doing there.
  • well im seventeen and american so i dont even know how i would get to thailand yet and buddhist monks cant accept or use or anything directly with money so my parents will have to buy the tickets and i have to get their consent. so i dont even know how im going to begin. but i gues the first step is to begin.
  • You'd be surprised how many members we've had just over the last year post about being 17 and wanting to go into a monastery! There are monasteries in the US, but they have waiting lists. And you have to be at least 18, maybe 21 for some, I'm not sure. What about waiting until after you get a college degree? Then, if the monastery doesn't work out, you'll have a better chance in the job market. In the meantime, you can attend Buddhist retreats. Look at the Dharma magazines and see if any retreats interest you. That's a good way to test the waters.

    I'm only repeating advice others have given to the 17-year-olds who have asked us how to get into a monastery. These aren't my ideas.
  • cool
  • I'm curious and sorry if you think i am rude. What are you running from?
  • what do you mean?
  • well i guess i can try to answer your question im not running from anything im running towards something its always been a goal of mine to be wise yeah i know im weird but i think more than normal people do and it is awesome somtime and others not i just want to make sense of it all
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