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Revenge without Dukkha?

edited October 2011 in General Banter

I was in a conflict with someone and we both hurt each other. I felt emotionally terrible afterwards.

However, on further reflection I came to believe that I hurt the other person more than he hurt me. I realized I had a type of "revenge." Strangely, I felt a huge pressure taken off my chest and I immediately felt better. This uplifting feeling was perversely similar to what I often feel during both loving-kindness and mindfulness meditations.

So it seems that sometimes revenge is sweet with no (noticeable) bitter aftertaste.

Is the downside of revenge purely karmic, or is there some hidden dukkha?

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  • Give it time...
  • @buddhajunkie Oh dear...

    I suggest you have quite a bit to learn. And if the feeling of revenge is the same as you get in metta meditation, perhaps, perhaps, it's that you are going wrong with metta meditation, not because revenge is a good thing? Just thinking.
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