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Where's the dividing line?
Just wondering, why the removal of the divider between the avatar and the post?
One thing I like about these sites is that they give you a lot of space to spell out your location, and I'm surprised that so many won't even give a state or province, let alone a country. I've certainly lived in and been in more interesting and exotic places than Rock Hill, SC, but I feel that it's part of my karma to be here, so I state it. Also, I'm proud to more-or-less state that I'm "over 45" by using Melanie's "Beautiful People, You Live in the Same World As I Do" thought.
Just some thoughts. I enjoy your posts.
"Straight teeth in your mouth are not as important as the words that come out of it" Michael Franti
"Let's build a bigger telescope so we can see things further away from where we really are" Michael Franti
Michael Franti is a black American singer, from the bands, "The Disposable Heroes of Hipoprisy" and "Spearhead". The two quotes are from the songs "Television-the drug of a nation" and "Water-pistol man" both of the album, "Hipocrisy is the greatest luxury".
He is a friggin genius, his lyrics are really clever. he used to be very political, now he's gone (I hate to say) a bit soft.
My favourite quote is actually the one about telescopes-It's uncomfortably close, as I tend to look externally, rather than towards myself, when dealing with "issues".
Try to listen to the album if you can!
This is bit of a dumb question, but when I'm in NB I seem to be logged out automatically after a short period. Can anyone tell me, is this NB, or my computer??????? Its really frustrating as I've noticed that some posts I've tried to put on have gone...........?????????????????????????????????? Are aliens abducting my posts?????
Do I need Mulder and Scully??????? HELP!!!!!:eekblue:
I have not experienced anything like that.... seems to be a tecchie problem... Matt's the one for that. he comes and checks this thread regularly and receives reply notifications, or just send him a PM....
........Otherwise, the little pink and yellow tablets should help....:thumbsup:
Pink and Yellow....but mine are white ones!!!!!!!!! They tell me I'm a good boy if I take them:hair:
'They'.....? Hmmmmm.... delusional as well....!!:winkc:
I just use it for a lesson - things are sometimes what they seem - and at other times... not.
Just think of being "logged in" as another sign of impermanence...
Stop being soft!
This is an important issue that cannot wait!
Where is the border? And don't start with the crap about Impermanence etc.etc.
Its internet explorer, why?
When I was having trouble with being logged out, Brian suggested that I change to Mozilla Firefox, which I have done. I find it much more stable than IE6 plus it has tabbed browsing, is free and has lots of "add-ons":
Mozilla Firefox
Thanks mate, just did it!!!!!:rockon:
I love it too - although my 'puter doesn't, when I try to open 50 tabbed pages at once! :hair: :rolleyes:
Do you get a message that Firefox has to close down, and then it does? I get that sometimes. It just freezes and then I get that message and it shuts down. But I have the "Session Saver" extension so when I relaunch it goes right back to where I was with all the tabs intact and everything. But since I'm on slow dial up I have to start shutting a bunch of things anyway because they all start loading at once and I don't want my machine to explode! LOL!
Oh, the joys of modern living. :-/ :type:
ALL the time! Once I'm off browsing and my thoughts run away with me, I have so many links that need investigating! It's a nuisance, but Firefox is still worth it
It might be worth reinstalling Firefox from scratch and running System File Checker. If you haven't done this before, go to Start/Run and then type in 'sfc /scannow' (without the quote marks', press enter or click on 'OK' and let it do it's thing.
I'll give it a shot. It may just be the fact that I'm on slow dial up (28kbs).
Now would everyone please quit replying? My post box is full......