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Kenji Miyazawa

edited October 2011 in Arts & Writings
Is anyone here a fan of Kenji Miyazawa's works?

He was a devout Buddhist.

He wrote a lot of poetry and fables.

His poetry is beautiful.


  • Yes! I've only read a small handful of his poetry. The Milky Way Railroad is a wonderful story. I have yet to delve into a collection of short stories Once and Forever. Its a shame there does not seem to be much of his works in English translation (still in print).

    I found out about him in Gene Reeves' introduction to the Lotus Sutra. I had never head of him before then, but I was immediately intrigued.

    We lived together
    A single year
    She was gentle, pale
    Her eyes day and night dreaming dreams far beyond me
    One morning in the summer of our year
    A village girl was selling flowers on a bridge on the edge of town
    They were so beautiful
    I bought twenty sen worth and took them home with me
    My wife put them in an empty goldfish bowl
    And displayed them in our shop
    When I returned in the evening
    My wife took one look at me and smiled mysteriously
    I saw a spread on our table of all kinds of fruit
    And white European plates
    I asked her where these things came from, and she said
    "I sold the flowers which you brought today for a full two yen" ... the stars and the blue night wind
    the reed blinds and the flame that despatches the soul ...
    Then that winter my wife
    Without the slightest suffering
    Fell ill for one day, wilted, crumbled, and passed away.

  • In a slightly similar vein, many of Yasunari Kawabata's Palm-of-the-Hand Stories are very good-- though often somewhat more bleak, many of them are quite magical.
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