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Does anyone else have this same kind of nagging feeling??

MountainsMountains Veteran
edited October 2011 in Buddhism Today
I pretty much feel constantly like the economy (the US and the rest of the "developed" world, especially Europe) stands about a 50/50 chance of essentially collapsing within the foreseeable future. Having seen how utterly fragile and artificial the whole thing is, first in the 1890s, then in 1907, then in 1929, then in the early 1970s, then again the early 1980s, then again in the early 1990s, and *especially* in 2008-2010, it just seems to me that one fart from an oil sheikh or one errant missile or drone strike could pretty much send the whole party spiraling down the toilet in a way that nobody alive has ever experienced. Only this time we don't have FDR and there isn't going to be a world war that will mobilize the economies of the world the way it did in 1939-45.

It's depressing as hell.


  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited October 2011
    I don't think about it at all, so it doesn't depress me. Try it, seriously. :D
    There's so much to do right here and now, we can't expect to bear the burdens of the whole world on our backs like Atlas from Greek mythology. Even if we're not literally bearing those burdens, they can become like mental dead-weights.

    If the economy collapses, we'll get to know what it's like and will have to adapt to survive. If not, then that's okay too. Either way what happens is going to happen, change is our constant companion, and it's not going to be an individual thing, but a collective thing.

    If I had all those numbers in my head, I'd snap!
  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    I stopped watching the news because I see it as a bunch of people being paid to sensationalize current events - and making a huge amount of money so they can continue doing it without caring about the effects of this type of brain washing.

    The media/internet has a lot to do with how we feel. When all hell breaks loose we'll know soon enough. The economic trend is scary (globalization) but IMO all we can really do is take care of ourselves and family and maybe community without falling prey to consumerism in all its guises.
  • That's okay, but putting our heads in the sand isn't an answer either. When (not if) the poo-poo hits the ventilator, I'd like to have some advance warning. If everybody just didn't think about things, nothing would get done, and we wouldn't have things like the Occupy movement - which we desperately need.
  • I think about the possibility, but take for instance political commentators on the news going back-and-forth with all of their predictions. It's like forecasting the weather, and just as iffy. Sure, prepare, we should always prepare if there's a good chance of impending disaster... but find your calm also.
  • Look on the bright side, another world war is a distinct possibility...
  • It's always going to be this way, with something potentially new/disastrous right around the corner. It always has. There are a lot of problems with the systems we have which doesn't help, but there's never been a stable government or economy for long. They're constantly changing, sometimes in drastic ways, almost as if they are individuals aging and dying and giving birth to new life that has some aspects of the old. We have to go with the flow or we get stuck.
  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    That's okay, but putting our heads in the sand isn't an answer either.
    Not that I implied that :-) -- after all, there's lots of news available on the net and every morning I go to 3 different places... but that allows me to pick and choose, and I can avoid sensationalism and fear mongering. Don't know how old you are, but I was raised on *newspapers* and never felt I was missing out - and was opposed to indoctrination by news sources even then.

    Love OWS! :-)

  • Hi Mountains!

    Yes! I have a feeling, ie I feel everything - our systems and structures - will collapse.

    I just hope that it won't be too hurtful and that I won't lose my cash in the process, and my family and friends will have food on the table etc.

    I really don't know how it will play out, but perhaps Nature is sending us a signal that everything is just too greedy and hurtful.

  • I stopped watching the news because I see it as a bunch of people being paid to sensationalize current events - and making a huge amount of money so they can continue doing it without caring about the effects of this type of brain washing.

    The media/internet has a lot to do with how we feel. When all hell breaks loose we'll know soon enough. The economic trend is scary (globalization) but IMO all we can really do is take care of ourselves and family and maybe community without falling prey to consumerism in all its guises.
    I agree the media is crap and I'm sorry but the American news I find particularly so. They are really into headlines, sensationalism and focussing on crap.

    I prefer channels like Al-Jazeera.
  • I think about it..not quite to the same degree. It's been a struggle for us throughout this economical "rough patch", it's hard not to think about.

  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    I think about it..not quite to the same degree. It's been a struggle for us throughout this economical "rough patch", it's hard not to think about.

    ditto! (hanging in there and hoping for the best!!)

  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited October 2011
    I don't so much worry about losing cash, I worry that the cash won't be worth anything (read up on the Weimar Republic). And there are a LOT of people with a LOT of guns and ammo in this country who won't have the slightest compunction against taking what they feel they need when it comes to that (just ask them). When it happens, I fear it's going to get really ugly.

    I hope and pray I'm wrong, but the indicators aren't looking good.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited October 2011
    I think the fear that U.S. cash won't be worth anything... is something that certain groups are trying to instill in the public. All this hullabaloo about how everyone needs to own gold. I just don't buy it, honestly.
  • tmottestmottes Veteran
    edited October 2011

    This seems to be a pretty well balanced objective news location.

    Stay informed... lose the manipulation and fear. Remember that is part of our goals as buddhists, to eliminate fear, so we can make wise decisions in life.
  • It might take quite a long time for CHANGE to take place. It seems to me that the poor will get poorer and the middle class will pretty much disappear. Unfortunately it seems like what will really change the Fascist system that we now have is a revolution against the corporations and the government that dances to the tune of the ultra wealthy. This will be violent, i mean shots fired across the bough. People are going to dye for this thing to turn around and the wealthy dethroned so the PEOPLE can govern themselves. I kinda of see a reenactment of the French revolution. The grass roots will finally start violently taking the country back. "Occupy Wall Street" and all its' manifestations around the country and world are just a symbolic peaceful beginning to what lies ahead. When people run out of food and housing, the "poo-poo" WILL hit the fan.

    Yea!!!!! Al-Jazeera! :).
  • There is so much doom to think about if you look to the future. The ozone layer disappearing, Nuclear annihilation, A super nova explosion too close, Black holes storming around and maybe one day getting too close, Super volcanoes exploding, Giant tsunamis, It's enough to make you hide in your house all your life (That won't protect you). Also Some things will just happen eventually, like for example a impact with an asteroid or the sun making a super flare that's directly in the path of Earth. It will happen one day, but it's not happened today. It could happen tomorrow or in the next million years? Why worry about the inevitable? Do what you can to help others and our world today. The present is important. :)
  • I don't so much worry about losing cash, I worry that the cash won't be worth anything (read up on the Weimar Republic). And there are a LOT of people with a LOT of guns and ammo in this country who won't have the slightest compunction against taking what they feel they need when it comes to that (just ask them). When it happens, I fear it's going to get really ugly.

    I hope and pray I'm wrong, but the indicators aren't looking good.
    nods, I guess that's what I mean. That I can buy something - there is still some economical system in place otherwise that is pure riot and :( very are right that is when the ugly can get an upper hand. Let's pray this never happens.

  • When I was eleven years old our Judo-teacher asked us what we thought about our future.
    We said “what future?” because it really looked like there was none.
    At the time we thought a global nuclear conflict could break out just like that and the “Club of Rome” had calculated that the planet was about to run out of natural resources (oil in particular).

    The Judo-teacher smiled and said we would all be walking around with our children in thirty years from now and we would be okay. No problem. People are over-reacting.
    It turned out he was right.

    In thirty years we will smile about the financial crisis of 2008/2011.
  • When I was eleven years old our Judo-teacher asked us what we thought about our future.
    We said “what future?” because it really looked like there was none.
    At the time we thought a global nuclear conflict could break out just like that and the “Club of Rome” had calculated that the planet was about to run out of natural resources (oil in particular).

    The Judo-teacher smiled and said we would all be walking around with our children in thirty years from now and we would be okay. No problem. People are over-reacting.
    It turned out he was right.

    In thirty years we will smile about the financial crisis of 2008/2011.
  • this might be some interesting statistics to show how the frustration and anger Americans are feeling, and how this all is just beginning....

    *According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans that lack confidence in U.S. banks is now at an all-time high of 36%.

    *According to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, 90 percent of Americans believe that the economy is performing poorly and approximately 80 percent of Americans believe that it is “difficult” to find a job right now.

    *According to a recent Rasmussen survey, 48 percent of all Americans believe that reductions in government spending are “at least somewhat likely” to result in civil unrest inside the United States.

    *Another recent survey found that 73 percent of all Americans believe that the nation is “on the wrong track”.

    *According to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, Congress has a disapproval rating of 82%.

    *A recent Rasmussen survey found that 85 percent of Americans believe that members of Congress “are more interested in helping their own careers than in helping other people”, and that same survey found that 46 percent of the American people believe that most members of Congress are corrupt.

    *According to a different Rasmussen survey, only 17 percent of all Americans now believe that the U.S. government has the consent of the governed.

    *A recent Washington Post poll found that 78 percent of Americans are dissatisfied “with the way this country’s political system is working” and that only26 percent of Americans now believe that the federal government can solve the economic problems that we are facing.

    So what does all of that add up to?

    It adds up to a U.S. population that is very frustrated and that is looking for outlets for that frustration.

    As the U.S. economy continues to fall apart, that frustration is going to continue to rise.

    What we are seeing all across America is only the beginning. We are going to see protest movements and explosions of anger that we can’t even imagine right now.

    Dark days are coming for America.

    You better buckle up.

  • Whate'er you dream, with doubt possessed,
    Keep, keep it snug within your breast,
    And lay you down and take your rest;
    And when you wake, to work again,
    The wind it blows, the vessel goes,
    And where and whither, no one knows.

    'Twill all be well: no need of care;
    Though how it will, and when, and where,
    We cannot see, and can't declare.
    In spite of dreams, in spite of thought,
    'Tis not in vain, and not for nought,
    The wind it blows, the ship it goes,
    Though where and whither, no one knows

    Arthur Hugh Clough

    For what it is worth...
  • lol, one reason why I live in Thailand. It is something you shouldn't attach so much emotion to because you have no control over it, it is in the future so uncertain, and to answer your question, yes I think the western world will actually totally collapse within the near future.
  • One word: Hubris.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    So, you all gotta start making your Get The Hell Out of Dodge Bags now. What it should include:
    *First aid kit.
    *Sewing kit.
    *Utility knife.
    *Thermal blankets/sleeping bag.
    *Water proof matches.
    *Clothing (including rain jacket).
    *Breath of Life Emergency Mask
    *Water purification tablets.
    *Flashlight and batteries.
    *A gun.

    Then, when the poopoo hits the fan, go up and hide in the mountains like in Red Dawn. Make a camp and survive up there until everything gets better or everyone else dies. :) Get packing!
  • or go and be ordained and live in a temple...
  • ElizEliz Arizona, USA Explorer
    When I read this discussion this morning, it made me think about a New York Times Op-Ed piece that I read earlier today by Friedman. He discusses how he thinks something different is going on now and outlines two theories about "The Great Disruption" and "The Big Shift." Sorry to add a media story to the discussion, but I thought it might be relevant to mountain's original comment. :) Here's the link if you're interested:
  • The 3 poisons - ignorance, hatred, and greed.

    I think it's worth being aware that greed and ignorance got us into this pickle.
    And it hasn't gone away.

    Who knows what the future holds. Perhaps we will come out of this mess with a better understanding of interdependence and as a result a fairer economic system and a more representitive government. Perhaps not.

    It is very unfortunate that so many are, and will, have to endure hardships because of the greed, but worrying how bad it might get is a waste of time and effort.

    But I would not be surprised to see an American Spring here in the USA not completely unlike the Arab Spring. I may even join them.
  • It certainly wouldn't be the first time "civilisation as we know it" collapsed.
  • I kind of tend to air on the side of conspiracy theorists, and feel like a lot of things are orchestrated. Things are fragile, yes, but they're more likely to collapse if the powers that be (elites) want them to.
  • What is the worst that can happen in any situation... that you will die? Well, that was going to happen anyway. That you will suffer? that is just a perception in relation to your desires anyways.
  • GuiGui Veteran
    So this is America. They must be out of their minds.
    Ringo Starr
  • I have the same intuition. I feel that capitalism isn't workable and that eventually we are going to have to try and find a different way of operating.

    I actually quite like the idea of the world going to rack and ruin. I have found that shared crisis tends to bring out the best in people. I read an article in the New Scientist ages ago that talked of the possibility of the Earth's human population being slashed by climate change in the next 50 years or so, with small groups of us living in the few areas of the planet that hadn't turned into deserts. I actually found the prospect rather cheering. But maybe I just have a twisted mind... :screwy:
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2011
    No, I quite agree with you vixthenomad, then again maybe mine is also twisted. Yes it would be a great tragidy if so many people were killed by such an event, but lets be honest here, the world, well no not the world because if we all die out the world would still exist, we need a good culling.

    I saw something about what if aliens invaded, it is a possibility, but if they did they would be far superior than us and then you would find that all humans would come together to fight for our survival. You may even see the taliban working with a christian in such a situation.
  • mithrilmithril Veteran
    edited October 2011
    "This fifth edition contains the photographs of 31 Nobel laureates who have received their prizes for Chemistry for Physiology or Medicine since that first edition of Principles of Biochemistry."
    [Source: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry]

    This is just amazing. So many people have done something so outstanding in so little time! I cant wait to see what the future holds! Things both teeny tiny and of huge dimensions have been described and understood as never before. Maybe you guys are just reading stuff that sucks. Gotta read books with some talent sometimes too ;) Omg, and did you already forget that we are writing about this on the internet! Did you ever see this one coming so fast! There are millions of excellent books and articles available online, and you guys go on reading nasty stuff like that. Son... i am dissapoint

    Yeah, there is no value inherent in either money or gold. Better decide on what your values are, or might be living your whole life for the wrong thing!
  • auraaura Veteran
    Individuals have karmic issues, positive and negative.
    Collectively, groups of people (businesses, regions, nations, etc.) also have karmic issues, positive and negative.
    Spit in the air and it lands in your face,
    behave with arrogance and face humiliation,
    conquer the world and be conquered by the world,
    and so it goes.

    If one wishes to improve the state of the world
    one must start in one's own backyard and address, resolve, and release one's own personal karmic issues...
    then one becomes capable of addressing and resolving the karmic issues of one's business, one's region, one's nation, etc.

    Only well constructed and well balanced structures survive
    the wind when the wind blows.
  • Thus comes to mind the first noble truth: the noble truth of suffering. If you try to change it or get upset about it that means your mind is effected by craving, and by doing so you are actually causing yourself more suffering (second noble truth). It is depressing, and there is even a strong possibility that we are all going to die in the near future as a result of some global catastrophe, but in the end you just have to accept it. A big part of the Buddhist religion is learning to accept painful feelings, and the cessation of the functioning of our bodies (death) with a mind that is free from clinging.
  • Perhapse the collapse of a system that innately was destined to cause its own collapse is not a bad thing. Perhapse the collapse of a system of economics and society like the first world has now will leave us to find some different system thusly, and in finding a different system we may find a better system; a more efficient system, a juster system, and a more equal system.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Can't everyone not see what will ineviatbly happen someday? The rate we are going as a population, we are unable to sustain ourselves for more than 90 years at most, greed, ignorance and anger has rules over the higher powers, (the 3 poisons) we will be our own demise someday, i am not pinpointing a date, but it will happen, there is little doubt in my mind about that
  • I wait in high hopes for a moment of realization within our global society that nothing is permenant and existance is suffering, this suffering is caused by passions and desires, and that a cessesion of passions and desires will lead to a cessation of suffering.

    It just may take a shocking and perceptively dissasterous economic event to bring this realization about.
  • The world needs a good shake up, maybe it will get it...
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