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Letting Go

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited October 2011 in Buddhism Basics
For me personally, this has been something I have battled with for years, but now it is an easy thing to accomplish.
Grasping leads to sufffering inevitably, some things are easy to let go of such as a lost pen, others not so easy such as a loved one. However, with evrything letting go is fundamental in buddhism. One year ago my apple mac along with 900 english pounds was stolen, I did suffer for a day or so but then realized, what can I do..... nothing so just accept it, it has gone.

I always resort back to that old old saying which is short and sweet, 'the longer you hold onto that hot goal, the longer it will burn your hand'

Just let go.....


  • That be true.
  • The best way to learn unattachment is to give away whaever you prize most....
  • for most people that would be their life.....
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I like Ajhan Chah's mental conclusion and appraisal of impermanence.

  • The simple concept of impermanence was something that helped me a lot when I started taking interest in the dharma, pain, fear, anger all of these things will come to pass-however, it is important to keep in mind that joy, happiness and other positive emotions will come to pass, that is not being negative rather being realistic.

    Accepting the world around you for what it is also helped me a great deal. A lot of it you cannot change, so why put so much emotion and energy in trying to do so, but there are certain things you can change.
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