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please read this i need help !!! ??? !!!

cabossimncabossimn Veteran
edited October 2011 in General Banter
i feel something i havent ever felt. like a knowing. i feel extremley positive. i feel like i understand like i get it. like im on the edge of nibbana or something. i feel mindful i feel compassion and sadness for those less fortunate i feel a oneness i feel like im waking from a dream. like this is all a dream and im starting to not feel im in this state of just being i dont want anything right now[other than to figure out whats going on] and im filled with this positive energy like i dont just know i understand. i feel a nothingness, and it feels good. its like im not thinking any more as if my mind has turned off. i feel free...[this next part is not nesesary to read but it will help understand read it only if you want to] [[[today i heard a voice in my mind say in a cute little girl voice"thank you god" and i wasnt thinking about god at all or anything actually and at the time my cat looked at me i thought it was my cat but now i think it was another human which got me thinking if i could hear someones thoughts maybe there is a self but there isnt. like our bodys creat a self but there is one spirit or consciousness or whatever its called and i thought about it and came to the conclusion that everything is the same its a delusion the mind has created. and the mind is consciousness whih if i am correct mean the mind is everything the mind creates the self essentially it creates pain and suffering and it creates craving and it creates everything. the mind is essintially a god. but its not sentient or purposful it just is. the mind is random and has no free will. it just does. this is why there is so many holes in religion because they see god [the mind] as some sentient being who can do anything. but it cant it just does what it does its the collective consciousness of everything this is dependent arising everything cant exist without everything. its all the same and its all just a different form of the same thing we are like bread crumbs and the mind is the loaf we are all parts or peices or forms of the mind that like bread crumbs in a sense get get old sick and eventually die and decay into nothing this is the same for everything in the universe the universe is infintite just like the mind is. the mind creates "life" and "death" [quotations used to put it generally] there for the universe is life full of everything that will age rot and die and come into existense again. nibbana stops us from this "life cycle" or dream and reverts us to peace and relieves us from suffering. and everything is gone in this, lets call it, true death state. just nothingness. that is what true death is and nibbana makes it possible to truely die]]]...anyway i feel nothing right now im just letting go and to me im just living im just letting things happen. it feels peacful i feel like ive stumbled on to something but i dont know what. can you help me.


  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Hi Cabossimn,

    I have two pieces of advice:

    1) See a doctor.

    2) Find an experienced flesh-and-blood (not on the internet) meditation teacher, preferably a monk or a nun who has been in the robes for many years. Talk with them about your experiences.


  • why see a doctor?
  • I wish I could help you, but try as I may I can't figure out how to make paragraphs on here either. The result is a block of text which likely puts people off. I do try to use sentences and punctuation as best I can but having only completed a primary school education, mostly I am just guessing. Good luck.
  • i write like i speak let go of the written language and interpret with the speaking language.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    Hi Cabossimn,
    why see a doctor?
    Because of this:
    [today i heard a voice in my mind say in a cute little girl voice"thank you god" and i wasnt thinking about god at all or anything actually and at the time my cat looked at me i thought it was my cat but now i think it was another human which got me thinking if i could hear someones thoughts...

  • im not crazy. trust me.
  • i write like i speak let go of the written language and interpret with the speaking language.
    I think that is a skill that young people have that I don't have. Maybe because I don't chat online.
  • oh.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    I'm still waiting for a mod to kindly ask you, Cabossimn, to start using correct grammar. Not trying to be rude or anything, but if you want to get a message across, the best option is to do it in a readable manner.

    I also recommend seeing a doctor or telling a guidance counselor or something.
  • how do i close a discussion?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    how do i close a discussion?
    PM a mod or flag the discussion and ask it to be closed/deleted.
  • ah right then ill close the discussion and spell and grammar check and put it back on
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I'll close the discussion.
    I would strongly recommend NOT posting it again, grammar/spell check or not, and just take the advice given. That would be more constructive, believe me.
    Repetition will simply engender deletion.
This discussion has been closed.