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Facebook Wants to Issue Your IRL Offline ID & Internet Driver's License.

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited October 2011 in General Banter
At the start of this year, it seemed as if Facebook wanted to utilize its identity infrastructure already on millions of websites in order to issue your Internet driver's license. Apparently that wasn't aiming quite high enough, since it now appears as if Facebook has future plans to issue your offline identity cards as well. Facebook filed for a trademark for "goods and services" to use Facebook on "cards, namely business cards and non-magnetically encoded identity cards" that could be read by NFC and RFID-enabled devices. If that didn't make you shiver, then the new trademark application states, the "business card and identity card design services" and "printing services" would be for "facilitating social and business networking through the provision of data for use on business and identity cards."

Like Google Plus, Facebook regards pseudonyms as a sin and wants to kill off anonymity. Many sites have cut back on comment spam, though, by requiring Facebook Connect which in turn requires a user's real identity. Countless millions of websites have avoided the headaches and hassles of managing their own identity system by implementing the free and easy code for Facebook Connect to manage online identities. In fact, logging in, "liking" and sharing via Facebook has literally become a critical part of the Internet's identity infrastructure.

Another emerging potential giant gamer-changer is the ability for people to use their mobile devices with near field communication (NFC) technology to interact with everyday situations, objects and people. NFC can be used to exchange data between two devices that are close to each other. The Google Wallet app is expected to be huge since it will store virtual copies of your credit cards for easy and fast payment at checkout. Other eCommerce NFC apps could be used for boarding passes or for purchasing airline, movie, concert, or other event tickets. On the social networking side, NFC allows for fast file sharing, to pass out electronic business cards, to enter a multiplayer mobile game, or to "touch NFC devices together to Facebook friend each other."

Why wouldn't Facebook want to take advantage of its "identity management" to conquer the offline world as well? The filed trademark suggests the Facebook ID cards could work with NFC and RFID. "Smart tap" RFID and magstripe products "have been used in many different fields, such as finance, telecommunications, security, tax, parking, hospitals, retail and hotels." Even Windows 8 will include built-in NFC functionality, sending hardware and software firms scrambling to take advantage of the tap-to-share NFC RFID functionality.


  • Very disturbing.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Very disturbing.
  • what's an "internet driver's license"?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    lol I use pseudonyms on FB.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    as if it's bad enough that it doesn't already have facial recognition software... i may just leave fb over this. my work is very separate from my real life and i like to keep it that way.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited October 2011
    A simple solution, do use sites like facebook :D

    I don't and I am manging to survive in the real world without much problem :D
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    as if it's bad enough that it doesn't already have facial recognition software... i may just leave fb over this. my work is very separate from my real life and i like to keep it that way.
    wow, i must be tired... you know it's bad when you're confused by your own sentence structure. um.

    *as if it isn't bad enough that it already has facial recognition software...

    i blame the epic gunfight happening on the xbox behind me for the distraction.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited October 2011
    A simple solution, "do not" use sites like facebook :D

    I don't and I am "managing" to survive in the real world without much problem :D
    Just noticed another correction again, sorry for me fast typing = lots of mistakes :dunce:
  • It seemsd to be spiraling out of control, well in the eyes of the general user who has a brain, what next... One can only imagine. :wtf:
  • Pff. Who cares? I already have a credit card, a passport, a driving licence and a supermarket loyalty card, and I'm on the electoral roll, so The Man already has every detail about me that can possibly be known - and Facebook is just another head on the hydra, really. So far, I don't THINK anyone's spying on me, but if they are they must be bored sh**less because I'm really not that interesting.

    I use the same login name for every forum I'm a member of, so if anyone really wants to snoop on my online activity, just Google 'vixthenomad'.

    Hell, if you REALLY want to delve into my psyche, you could even have a read of my blog:
  • Who are "they" anyway? And why *would* "they" want to spy on me? I mean, I get up, I take a crap, I eat breakfast, I go to school, I stop at the grocery store and the gym on the way home, and I come home. Then I feed the dog, eat some dinner, watch a movie, do some homework, foment some revolution, then I get up the next day and do it all again.

    If "they" are that interested in the minutiae of my day to day life, they're welcome to come over and video me doing it. They don't need to spy on me. As long as they give me some gas money, they're welcome to ride along with me wherever I go. I could use the conversation.

    Why do we all live in fear of "them" and their spying? I don't get it. Do they care with whom I have sex (or don't have sex)? Do they care what my stools look like? Do they care whether I'm eating my vegetables? Do they care if I buy condoms once a month or once a year? I'm happy to give them that information if they want it...

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Who are "they" anyway? And why *would* "they" want to spy on me? Why do we all live in fear of "them" and their spying? I don't get it.
    They may learn the secret handshake.
  • Maybe "they" want to know about us for marketing purposes. Facebook could sell access to its info so companies could deluge us with more advertising through as many venues as possible. That should be illegal--selling access to info like that. Maybe it already is.
  • lol, I have no driving licence, the police in the UK do not have my prints or DNA, I have never voted, I have no credit card or ever will because if you do not have the money there and then IMO, don't buy it, no loyaity cards, just facebook-which could be worse than all of those put together :p
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Who are "they" anyway? And why *would* "they" want to spy on me? I mean, I get up, I take a crap, I eat breakfast, I go to school, I stop at the grocery store and the gym on the way home, and I come home. Then I feed the dog, eat some dinner, watch a movie, do some homework, foment some revolution, then I get up the next day and do it all again.

    If "they" are that interested in the minutiae of my day to day life, they're welcome to come over and video me doing it. They don't need to spy on me. As long as they give me some gas money, they're welcome to ride along with me wherever I go. I could use the conversation.

    Why do we all live in fear of "them" and their spying? I don't get it. Do they care with whom I have sex (or don't have sex)? Do they care what my stools look like? Do they care whether I'm eating my vegetables? Do they care if I buy condoms once a month or once a year? I'm happy to give them that information if they want it...

    Love it!:)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Pff. Who cares? I already have a credit card, a passport, a driving licence and a supermarket loyalty card, and I'm on the electoral roll, so The Man already has every detail about me that can possibly be known - and Facebook is just another head on the hydra, really. So far, I don't THINK anyone's spying on me, but if they are they must be bored sh**less because I'm really not that interesting.

    I use the same login name for every forum I'm a member of, so if anyone really wants to snoop on my online activity, just Google 'vixthenomad'.

    Hell, if you REALLY want to delve into my psyche, you could even have a read of my blog:
    Love it!:)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Who are "they" anyway? And why *would* "they" want to spy on me? I mean, I get up, I take a crap, I eat breakfast, I go to school, I stop at the grocery store and the gym on the way home, and I come home. Then I feed the dog, eat some dinner, watch a movie, do some homework, foment some revolution, then I get up the next day and do it all again.

    If "they" are that interested in the minutiae of my day to day life, they're welcome to come over and video me doing it. They don't need to spy on me. As long as they give me some gas money, they're welcome to ride along with me wherever I go. I could use the conversation.

    Why do we all live in fear of "them" and their spying? I don't get it. Do they care with whom I have sex (or don't have sex)? Do they care what my stools look like? Do they care whether I'm eating my vegetables? Do they care if I buy condoms once a month or once a year? I'm happy to give them that information if they want it...

    How right are you!
    Didn't think of it that way.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Maybe "they" want to know about us for marketing purposes. Facebook could sell access to its info so companies could deluge us with more advertising through as many venues as possible. That should be illegal--selling access to info like that. Maybe it already is.
    That is what it sounds like.
    Marketing and selling info for profit for marketing purposes. Selling our information to big companies.
  • edited October 2011
    Gasp! Hold the front page! Capitalists swap information about consumers with other capitalists!

    Perhaps, one day, someone from Facebook will come to my house and inform me that I am under arrest because I 'liked' something that subverts the system. It should be an interesting experience. Dystopian futures have always fascinated me.
  • ...companies could deluge us with more advertising through as many venues as possible.
    They do that already. I put the advertisements on "auto ignore" in my brain. You have to train your brain to do it, but it can be done. In fact, ads usually have the opposite effect on me. If I see an ad, I'll go out of my way *not* to buy whatever it is.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    ...companies could deluge us with more advertising through as many venues as possible.
    They do that already. I put the advertisements on "auto ignore" in my brain. You have to train your brain to do it, but it can be done. In fact, ads usually have the opposite effect on me. If I see an ad, I'll go out of my way *not* to buy whatever it is.
    I use adblock. :)
  • I will say it again, George Orwell Nineteen Eighty Four :)
  • Yeah...he got that wrong, eh? :D
  • maybe the date, maybe the future holds some truth in that book. :D Kinda seems that way, obviously not 'to the book' so to speak, but you get what I am saying.... maybe
  • It's already here, in part at least. Big Brother = CCTV, for starters.
  • I'm going to live in a yurt on a beach in Belize. See y'all later :)
  • lol, tootles. In the edition of nineteen eighty four that I have, the introduction goes into some degree of detail on what has to date come true from this novel, however it is in debate if it was ever in fact any sort of prediction at all.
    But yes CCTV, I come from England and you would not believe what they have rigged up on that rock. Most cities now have 'fish-net' which is a setup of cameras around the perimetre of a city, they read every single licence plate of any veichle coming in or out of the city. From that they can get a shed load of information on you with a few clicks of a keyboard.

    I would quote that section of the introduction, but I have insomnia and have only eaten once today and have had no valium, so at present feeling rather weak.
  • edited October 2011
    I don't know how it is in England and other European countries, but here in the States the gov't is still surveilling phone conversations and the internet as an anti-terrorism strategy.

    *BACK* in the, *BACK* in the, *BACK* in the USSR! To quote the Fab Four.

    *GASP* There may be Blue Meanies loose on this forum! :eek:
  • Let 'em listen I say. Every now and then I say something provocative just to make sure they guy assigned to listen to me is staying awake. After all, he's got to earn that $175,000 salary with KBR or Blackwater or whomever it is he works for somehow!
  • edited October 2011
    It's all automatized by computer: they're programmed to listen in when certain trigger words come up in the conversation. It would never work, otherwise; it would take too many nowhere men (and women) in little booths to keep up with the millions of telephones, not to mention the internet.

    Not a good idea to say anything provocative. Like making the wrong kind of jokes in the airport security line.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to rain on your parade. Maybe we could assign MindGate to mess with their minds--he's the one who's participating on Muslim chatrooms as a Muslim. Then as an atheist, or agno-atheist, or Crypto-Gnostico-Atheo-Something. That oughta keep the Blue Meanies busy.
  • bahahahaha, when I read about mindgate frequenting chatrooms I was a little perplexed, but there seems to be clear reasoning. But yea, I think mindgate would be a good assignment in that case, if you are not too busy being a rabbi today mindgate :p
  • I didn't know @MindGate was doing that! Something of a chameleon, eh, good sir? :D
  • I didn't know @MindGate was doing that! Something of a chameleon, eh, good sir? :D
    This is what happens when you have a very bright teenager who's bored out of his skull. Check out MG's threads to keep up with his antics.
  • It is one outcome from what can happen with a bored teenager, I can think of 1,000 worse outcomes and 1,000 better ones :)
  • edited October 2011
    MG is cool. :cool: He wouldn't do any of those 1,000 worse outcomes. ...would you, MG?
  • Oh, I know about his posts on here - I just didn't know that he was posing as a Muslim in another forum!
  • Maybe it is a 'gate-way' phenomena! It could have started as something like pretending to be from a different country in a forum for fun due to boredom, got a kick out of it, then started hitting up the religious sector, maybe next the date chat rooms! :eek: Get into rehab double quick!! :lol:
  • Not a good idea to say anything provocative. Like making the wrong kind of jokes in the airport security line.
    I don't live in an airport security line, and I'll **damn** well say anything I want to, anywhere I want to within the guidelines of established First Amendment law. If that causes me to get arrested, I'm moving to Canada. I **will** not live my life in fear of "them".
  • oooooooo :D

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