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  • Sorry, I do not know of any models or anything closely related to that link, but I do have three questions.

    Firstly who told you that you have bi-polar disorder?
    Secondly, do you take any medication? And lastly where did you come across this emotion wheel. Yes, you will say the internet, but was it a self search, accident or did somebody prompt you to look for such a thing?

  • all looks a bit weird and New Age-y to me.
  • edited October 2011
    @Bothofyou It was shown to me by a professional in the field of mental care. Not really new age-y.. :S
  • I never mentioned anything about it being newage, I merely asked 3 simple questions. Sorry if I/we could not help.
  • This does look like it would be helpful for someone to understand mood swings, and the relationships between emotions. Hopefully your therapist gave you some explanation. It's funny how some people mistake true psychology for "pop-psychology" or trendy stuff. That seems to happen a lot. If it helped you, stick with the therapist who gave it to you. Good luck, GLS. :thumbsup:

    P.S. I agree with Tom: take your meds. If they're not working for you, ask about a change in dosage, or change in meds. Sometimes it can take time to find the right fit.
  • @Bothofyou It was shown to me by a professional in the field of mental care. Not really new age-y.. :S
    Hey, 'twas only meant to be my opinion. You raised the discussion, so I participated. Sorry if that offends you.
  • Hey, Sam, if it helped you, who cares if anyone else has seen anything like it? It makes sense to me! Looks like you have a good therapist. Take care.
  • My thought when looking at the wheel was that emotions are natural and to accept them. So thats my take and it seems positive.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    I like it. I do not have bi polar, but like all human's, I feel all those emotions that are placed on the coloured diagram. It feels helpful to look at the diagram and have a clear visual for how everything is linked.. it somehow puts the emotions into a context which is easier to then understand and then meditate on. That's my initial reaction anyway. Not sure if I've made sense to anyone else, but I know what I mean lol!
  • I have to say that after about 2 months of appropriate medication I feel like I can live my life for once, not again because i have always been like this. I am someone who could survive and even do a decent job of life without medication however I am very grateful for it right now. I went through more than one way to be diagnosed and feel good about it being correct, however I keep the info to myself since the stigma is not something I want to fight.
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