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More drawings from my younger self

CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
edited October 2011 in Arts & Writings
This time my wife stumbled upon a buried treasure from my past. Many years ago, I was a member of a UU congregation and ended up in charge of the monthly program. I needed something to fill the pages, so came up with my own little cartoon series I drew and wrote. "The Enlightened Frog." I think it lasted about a year. This was before the internet was invented, so budding cartoonists had no outlet beyond office bulletin boards and xerox machines.

Any way, hope the scans can be read if you click on them and you enjoy the young man's attempt to be witty.


  • hahaha, and what a treasure find they are. Hang on to those for sure. It is interesting to think of the people back then who would have had different reactions to your artwork, very creative though and funny :p
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