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I have something fun to look forward to

edited October 2011 in General Banter
very cool, So I had planned on setting aside a 4 day weekend (that starts on my birthday) for the boyfriend. Since that is no longer working and he is no longer the boyfriend I made plans to see my friend in Utah that I have not seen in about a year! the flights were super cheap, total round trip with taxes and all was $140. I am very happy, it will be a relaxing time for both of us.


  • Sorry, but that cannot by any stretch of the imagination compete with Mountains' trip to Belize. Mormons, vs. beaches, snorkeling along tropical coral reefs, and climbing Mayan ruins? Are you serious?

    Just kidding, AHeerdt. Enjoy your vacation. :) And happy birthday! :om:
  • Happy early birthday @AHeerdt and enjoy your reunion with your friend.

    Having just ended a relationship I wholeheartedly understand your need for a change of scenery. I shall live vicariously through you and @Mountains since it will be awhile before I can get away.

  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Sorry, but that cannot by any stretch of the imagination compete with Mountains' trip to Belize. Mormons, vs. beaches, snorkeling along tropical coral reefs, and climbing Mayan ruins? Are you serious?

    Just kidding, AHeerdt. Enjoy your vacation. :) And happy birthday! :om:
    i know you're kidding, but utah is actually really beautiful. i've never been but i'd love to go there someday! enjoy your vacation AHeerdt!

  • Belize sounds awesome. when I have more time to travel I want to go to French or Spanish speaking countries. But for now Moab when itis not 110 degrees is pretty darn good (plus a friend who is an obsessive reader!)
  • And anyway, what is wrong with mormons... Apart from the cult sects, they are very nice, kind people for the majority. Enjoy your trip and hope it meets expectations :)
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    lol mormons
  • lol buddhists :lol:
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    And anyway, what is wrong with mormons... Apart from the cult sects, they are very nice, kind people for the majority. Enjoy your trip and hope it meets expectations :)
    well, for one, they torture gay people with genital shock treatments and call it reparation therapy. (ala this documentary)
  • Now that is one bit of information I have never heard of before. If it is as wide spread throught their religion and they are for the most part against gay and lesbian relations to the extent that it depicts, then yes there is something wrong with that religion.

    Having not seen the actual documentary and never before reading or hearing of this, I personally cannot say, but it does not sound too good at all on the surface. I stand corrected, it is just apart from the sects and cults, the actual religious people that I have met or seen/read of, have come across as very kind people.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited October 2011
    i highly recommend the documentary (The Mormon Proposition) but the focus was mostly on how much money the mormon church pumped into the passage of proposition 8(which repealed gay marriage in california). they had accounts of members of the church coming into mormon's homes and demanding them to write checks based upon their incomes to go towards the cause. the documentary did also touch on the high rate of homeless gay mormon youth in utah as well though. just a warning, it is not very uplifting.

    on a side note, i don't doubt that they are "good people" in a sense. but unfortunately, being gay subverts their very purpose in life as a result of their religious views and they do not support homosexuality in any way shape or form. the documentary goes into this as well.
  • I have seen a few bits of media on the mormons, but never have I seen such hatred for the gay community as the documentary may states to have. Other religions have strong views on gay and lesbian relationships, but that is pretty extreme. Being a buddhist and somebody who has had a vriety of friends with different sexual orientations, I obviously e never have a thought that would go against somebodies way of life.

    I guess I am a little ignorant with the whole mormon thing, basing the entire religion on the people I have met or what I have seen is kind of narrow minded.
  • There was just a big trial in Canada on Mormon polygamy. It seems some of the banned groups in the US moved to Canada years ago.
  • My best friend and her family are Mormon, converts actually. We were hippies and punks back in the day. I know that I was very worried at first that she would still be the same type of person, we had always been respectful of our frends (tolerant sounds like I am just putting up with something). Well they have not changed but I don't know about mormons in general. We are in the big city of denver and I wonder if they can be so pushy here as compared to a more rural or less metropoliton area.

    In any case my friend is Catholic and all my friends are wonderful abotu my beliefs. We have many inter-faith talks that are something we al learn from.

  • In any case my friend is Catholic and all my friends are wonderful abotu my beliefs. We have many inter-faith talks that are something we al learn from.
    This sounds nice. Enjoy.

  • Utah = very pretty (good skiing, etc)

    Can't say I'm terribly thrilled with the ideas and positions of the Mormon church. Individual mormons I know are very nice folks. We just don't agree on many key points about life.

    All in all, I prefer a beach in Belize, but I'm sure you'll have a grand time in Utah! :) And your plane fare is way cheaper than mine!
  • Yes, I will need the cheaper air fare to get a chai at starbucks every day it is cold. However you may need the money for a fruity drink with an umbrella
  • Freshly made rum punch under a palm tree... :)
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