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ClayTheScribeClayTheScribe Veteran
edited October 2011 in Buddhism Today
What does Buddhism have to say about tattoos, in respect to impermanence? Does anyone here have tattoos and if so, what of? Does anyone have any Buddhist-related tattoos?


  • Self identification need always a lot of suffering aside. *smile* But without understanding dukkha, we could not easy get rid of it.

    Wonderful thing such buddhist tattoos, special if you like to get them away later on.
  • Ahh, my tattoo is not at all Buddhist, and like my body is impermanent. But mine is fun and has a personal story like many other forms of body decoration (it is my Tinkerbell). this spurs a deep thought for another thread
  • HanzzeHanzze Veteran
    edited October 2011
    There are some schools who can transform them *smile* you can ask them to make your devils maybe into a deities. Hurts a little but then you have deities as identification.
    Or maybe you can transform them to a mantra. Somebody could see it and get maybe some inside form it or you can watch them in the mirror, if you can read mirror inverted.
  • I'm thinking of getting the words Nerd Life tattooed on my right bicep. I want it to remind me of who I am and my humble beginnings in case my ego gets too inflated.
  • Maybe you take just a "post it" and stick it on your forehead. It your be more effective because the people would look at you permanent and you have to take care that you don't lose it. Its cheap and it does not hurt. *smile*

    One week and you would never needed to be reminded again!
  • I have the word "Karma" on my arm and I'm going to have a Buddha if I ever get another done. But it's just a personal choice
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited November 2011
    Please use the search function. There was at least one thread that went on for many, many, many months on this topic. Let's not start another one. There were even lots of photos of tattoos (including mine) in the thread.
  • I believe this is the thread Mountains is talking about:

    So, without further ado, we'll just close this one and you guys can post in the other. ;)
This discussion has been closed.