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Can't keep a job longer than 2 years, don't know what my issue is, concerned I can't halt it

edited November 2011 in General Banter
I know this isn't a gripe site but I've been a member for a few months and thought that someone could give me insight. Over the past 25 years I've had a series of jobs. I've excelled at the start, had great relationships with co-workers and higher ups, helped the companies grow, updated systems and improved performance, etc. only to be downsized. I am a good guy and I work hard.
The issue is that for no reason apparent to me, I suddenly do something that ticks off someone higher up than I and they work to force me out and if I don't leave, they finally "downsize" me.
Thankfully, this time I have another position lined up with a start in a couple of months.
In the current position, I swear that I cannot put a finger on why things changed. We do consulting work for some companies and for the past year I've had great rapport with the clients (still do), turned in reports early, and had my higher up tell me that he needs "more people like me". Suddenly a few months ago, he called me up and said that he'd had complaints from clients about me, my work was devolving, and that he was concerned about my relationship with the managing partner. This was all news to me. I talked to clients and nobody I spoke with had any compaints. My boss could not tell me who was complaining and could not point out any errors with my work (he couldn't remember what they were). I spoke with the managing partner and he said flat out that he did not have any issues with me.
A couple of days ago my higher up called to complain about my time sheet and that he believes I did not work the hours I had claimed. I lost it.
This new position is 1000 miles away and I am concerned that this will happen again.
I am a good guy, a hard worker, honest, etc. Can anyone tell me what the hell is wrong with me? I don't want this to happen again.


  • how is your practice? what are you avoiding?
  • Have only been practicing since the end of August. It is good, but not great. I've not been able to find a teacher in my area so my studies have been on my own. Regarding "what am I avoiding?", I don't know. I will meditate on that this morning and see what, if anything, I come up with. Thanks.
  • Your story sounds a lot like mine. In my case, it turned out I had ADHD all along.
  • No kidding? My son is on meds for ADD. I was wondering but I've always been able to perform at a high level. How did you go about getting checked out and have you been able to resolve it without meds? Do you know of any good online survey that I could use to pre-screen myself?
  • edited November 2011
    You could Google it to see if there's a survey. There are mental health care professionals who specialize in doing these evaluations.

    You did the right thing by asking your boss for specifics in order to justify his decision. If he wasn't able to come up with specifics, you might have asked: so why the downsizing? Do you get performance evaluations? Was there anything in your last evaluation that would indicate anything was wrong, or was it as glowing as you say? You may have had a case for the Human Resources Dept. to investigate. "I don't remember any errors in your work" isn't good enough. If he doesn't remember any, they couldn't have been important (if they existed at all).

    It's a mystery. My approach to life is that when I notice a pattern, as you have, I take a deeper look. The suggestion for ADD eval was good. While you're at it, consider raising the issue with the therapist and exploring it a bit. Maybe a clue will turn up.
  • I had the same problem. Turned out I had Aspergers Syndrome and my social skills sucked. Of course, I didn't know they sucked because, well, I'd have to have had social skills to notice. Catch 22.

    Anyway, it got better. Most of these problems improve with insight and age.
  • Ahh, yes. My thing is getting bored and quitting but one job was such that I realy felt targetted and quit (not really happy about it either, major career and income blow). In my case it was bipolar II, something that looks a lot like ADHD and tricky to diagnose, but I feel it is an accurate diagnoses. I have an ex-friend with aspergers and he was not getting jobs because he interviewed well over the phone and then in person was told he was 'negative' (he is an ex-friend becuase his lack of social skills crossed a major line with me I am sorry to say).

    Right now I am feeling that tingle to change something but trying something new since I feel stable on good medication. People can have opinions either way on meds but I feel so much better and not at all like a drugged out person. Very personal choice there but remember even if you get evaluated it is always your choice of how to treat it.
  • No kidding? My son is on meds for ADD. I was wondering but I've always been able to perform at a high level. How did you go about getting checked out and have you been able to resolve it without meds? Do you know of any good online survey that I could use to pre-screen myself?
    I took this online screening test:

    Then I took the results to my GP, who referred me to psychiatry, who (eventually) confirmed the diagnosis and put me on medication, which I am still taking.

    If your son has ADD/ADHD, you may well have it too, as it's thought to have a genetic component.
  • This topic has already been covered, but inability to keep a job very long often does involve ADD. But Ski-Hugger, it sounds from your description like there may be something else going on. In any case, a professional therapist would be able to evaluate you and see what might be at the root of it. Good luck, let us know how it goes.
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