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Denisovans Mated With Humans, Study Says.

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited November 2011 in General Banter
New research suggests that early humans mated with both Neanderthals as well as Denisovans, a recently-discovered early human species.

Genomes from Denisovans, a third early human species, were originally traced to the people of Oceania, but further investigation reveals that genomes can also be found among East Asia populations, the Telegraph reports.

LiveScience explains the relation:

The Denisovans likely split off from the Neanderthal branch of the hominin family tree about 300,000 years ago, but little else is known about their appearance, behavior or dress.
Researchers also have found "genetic echoes of the Denisovans in modern residents of Pacific islands."

National Geographic writes that according to the study, "About one percent of the genetic makeup of people from southern China and the surrounding region comes from ... Denisovans."


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