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oceancaldera207oceancaldera207 Veteran
edited November 2011 in Philosophy
Here's something to seriously consider. Have any of you known this ecstasy, extreme pleasing feeling (physically and mentally), & massive universal knowledge? Honestly? Has anyone else felt this?

I have no other way to describe what breaking through the explanations of principle of emptiness feels like to me.
physical and 'mental' ecstasy.
It is the perfect knowledge. It is perfectly friendly as well. I don't know any other way to put it. It feels so completely right. So practical, so versatile, so tactile, so real. It does take effort... not really that much though. I don't know. I have something that I want to tell you guys, and I can't express it.
It's real.
I never thought knowledge could bring about physical pleasure... and all these years, honestly, i was seeking understanding to the questions of life, not pleasure! And physical pleasure?? I would have never imagined...but it is awesome. It's a completely thrilling feeling... there is no flavor of physical pleasure like it. When I focus, everything just flows correctly..
I've felt some pretty considerable physical pleasure from various things, but this is a completely different kind of pleasure. It even feels good just to see things, everything sounds better, smells better. Utterly incredible.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised: monks can apparently burn themselves alive without moving. I dont just doesn't expect it.

It's like turning on a faucet..(while once fleeting) now I can just take a moment and put the principle into practice, instantly there it is. Learning it felt like learning how to perform a skill.. the best analogy i can use is learning to ride a bike. You cant really learn how to ride a bike by thinking about just sort of cautiously try to ride, and get better at it.
Fear, and lack of discipline and energy keeps me from venturing into it too far, but there is a permanent change involved. I feel like I have barely touched it, and already it is like divine magic elixir to me. I do regress somewhat, but there is the basic understanding that cannot be muted, and is always there for me to use.

Four years ago, the prajnaparamita sutras both literally and physically gave me headaches. I don't know when it happened, how it happened...over time, it just integrated. There is effort, yes, but it's not as much as I would have thought.
All I can say is just take the sutras on emptiness literally, against all 'common sense', take them literally.. they actually reflect truth. And have faith that 'genius' is not nearly great enough a word to describe the origin of this teaching.

To use everyday language: bottom line; it's going to blow you through the wall. It is not at all what I expected.

What I'm trying to say is this: I'm just a regular person really...I haven't really attained anything, I'm fairly intelligent, but nothing amazingly special. this stuff i'm talking about here is really very accessible, free and versatile. Discipline is important and should not be understated, but.. like I said, the knowledge is very accessible.. it's not exactly easy because of the subtlety of understanding necessary, but it's not as if you must torture yourself for decades. and of course we are lucky enough to have very good directions.

Btw, if you are curious no i'm not taking drugs (other than coffee and unfortunately chewing tobacco at work), and I don't have any psychiatric issues.=) You can take or leave it, believe it or not.. I think this should be serious food for thought. There is more to this way than difficulty and austerity for the sake of difficulty and austerity.... and yeah, it feels extremely good!
take care, have a nice day and thanks for keeping open mindedness. I can talk to no one else about these things, my environment is fairly hostile to subtlety and kindness, and I have never physically met another 'buddhist' in my lifetime... you guys are it for me. seriously. Thanks


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Yeah, I've been through that, once or twice. In the end it's no big deal. Don't sweat it, or you risk holding on to it, and wanting to prolong the state. It's impermanent, so let it go.
    Well done you.
    Now, keep walking...... :)
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