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The New English 10 Pound Note

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited November 2011 in Arts & Writings
With a little help from photoshop and free time I had that is :D


  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    To insult the Crown like that. :shake:

    But I like it.
  • You do have a lot of time on your hands :)
  • It took about 40 minutes to get it how I wanted, but it is part of a project for an old friend trying to start a clothing company. I have to design the logo and some T-shirts to kick it off. But still, we English for the most part will not be offended by such an image, maybe the oldies but they won't be buying into this brand anyway :p
  • You put Hanzze on there?? :D
  • bahahaha, did not think of that connection to be honest...
  • It took about 40 minutes to get it how I wanted, but it is part of a project for an old friend trying to start a clothing company. I have to design the logo and some T-shirts to kick it off. But still, we English for the most part will not be offended by such an image, maybe the oldies but they won't be buying into this brand anyway :p
    That's cool Tom !
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    You put Hanzze on there?? :D
    LMAO! Good one.
  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    You put Hanzze on there?? :D
    LMAO! Good one.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    "And how is right view the forerunner? One discerns wrong action as wrong action, and right action as right action. And what is wrong action? Killing, taking what is not given, illicit sex, Mindless and idle speech and needless gossip, and partaking in intoxicating substances which cloud the mind.... and This is wrong action...
    "One tries to abandon wrong action & to enter into right action: This is one's right effort. One is mindful to abandon wrong action & to enter & remain in right action: This is one's right mindfulness. Thus these three qualities — right view, right effort, & right mindfulness — run & circle around right action."


    That's not nice.
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