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Some words by Tony Parsons

GuiGui Veteran
edited November 2011 in Arts & Writings


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2011
    This isn't really "advanced Ideas." it's "Re-hashed existing knowledge which is presented in such a way as to sound new, innovative, and original, but is in fact copied and drawn form Wisdom that is much older."

    Moved to 'Arts and Writings'.
  • It was hard tracking down any information on this guy. Tony Parsons only gives a barebone, "Well, I attained a spontanious comprehension of non-duality at around the age of twenty and friends finally convinced me to spread the wisdom later in life." To read his own website, he came from nowhere.

    After some digging, I found he was one of the Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) inner disciples in the 1990s, and appeared on the scene as a bookwriter and lecturer on Oneness minus this association when the Bhagwan ended up in jail and expelled from the US. So this is where he learned his guru-talk about Oneness and everything is illusion and such and went into business for himself.

    The Advaita/"nothing to do and nothing to attain" guru teaching is an interesting bit of mental gymnastics, I must admit. I suppose the Seekers of the world need to explore a few dead ends before they recognize a path that beckons and leads somewhere.
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
  • GuiGui Veteran
    @federica Interesting judgement.
  • @sattvapaul
    That duel of the non-dualists is deep! :p
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