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Top 5 Misconceptions About People Struggling Economically Today!

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited November 2011 in General Banter
I really think some people are confused or ignoring the problem. It could just be coming from those who haven't witnessed or been affected by it who fail to recognize it. Maybe people just want to avoid/ignore it and hope it goes away, I don't know. I see a lot of judging and blaming going on in ignorance to the diversity involved with the problem. Blame it on laziness or whatever makes you feel okay and able to sleep at night but in the end the problem is real and it's not just going to go away. The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.

Top 5 Misconceptions About People Struggling Economically Today

#5 I'm not in debt so why are you?(My parents have money and I don't have school loans)

It's important to realize that not everyone's situation is the same and if someone is paying hundreds of dollars in school loans while you had a free ride thanks to mom and dad(or plenty of other legitimate/respectful ways in which you were able to get through school without needing loans) you are making a lot more than them even if you have the same salary. No one is asking you to fix this or feel sorry for those paying the loans but by no means should you be comparing your financial situation to theirs in a judgmental way. (I make the same amount and can pay my rent why can't he/she?)

#4 I have a job so anyone can get a job(The world revolves around me and all is relevant)

Not all professions are the same and some people got lucky with the right timing. No one is mad at you if you have a job(GRATZ!) or expects you to pay for the unemployed to lay around and eat Cheetos... if you think this you are missing the point.

#3 Anyone can start a business and make it big(Look at Bill Gates)


#2 Mcdonalds is always hiring(Work at McDonalds and you'll be able to pay your debt)

So every time a company lays off hundreds if not thousands of workers who have families and prior payment agreements while equivalent jobs fail to pop up they are supposed to go to McDonalds....make $7 hour and everything will be okay? I'm sure they'll be able to pay their debt since adjusting from over 3000 a month to hundreds a month is so easy. Just buy less and go to the movies less, right? Maybe the kids can eat once a day?

#1 Make better decisions(Stop buying drugs and TVs and you'll be okay)

Cause people on unemployment enjoy the hell out of it and can't wait to use the ~$100-400 weekly unemployment check(which used to be over ~$700-1000 check while employed ) to buy a big TV or some more drugs, right? They just want to lay around and live off your hard lazy!


  • I don't think anyone here holds these misconceptions. One misconception that is part of the Puritan heritage is that hard work is its own reward, i.e. hard work will get you success. All you need to do is buckle down. It's not always so simple. A society that discourages upward mobility doesn't always reward hard work.
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