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What are you thankful for?

novaw0lfnovaw0lf Veteran
edited November 2011 in Meditation
I am thankful for every single aspect of my life; every dimension of it enriches the story that I've lived. My struggles, my mistakes and the lessons that I've learned from them, my friends, my family, those who have supported me, those who have antagonized me...even those who have abandoned me do nothing more than propel me to higher and higher levels of spiritual understanding, everyday. I am thankful for the music and sounds that I've had the privilege of hearing, the food that I've the had the enjoyment of tasting, the people I've had the honor of meeting, the sights that I've had the pleasure of seeing, the places of which I've had the wonder of standing, the fragrances that I've had the experience of smelling. I am thankful for the hearts that I've touched with my own hands, and the hands that have touched my own.

I am thankful for having been blessed with the gift of mortality, for nothing within the fleeting sparks that is our lives would be more beautiful if we were to be here forever. I am thankful for every moment that I suffer here on this earth, in this material body, because nothing but this experience could have been a better teacher.

I love you all. Happy Thanksgiving.


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited November 2011
    I am thankful for my eyelids. Imagine how terrible life would be without eyelids. The sun would always been in your eyes, you'd have no protection from dirt particles. You'd not be able to look away from certain things. Your eyes would dry out. Bed time would be a nightmare. You'd have to take showers while wearing goggles. Eyelids are just so great.
    And of course I'm thankful for lots of other stuff too. :p

    This is a serious post btw. Happy Thanksgiving. :)
  • Ah yes, the things we do not think about are often things we could really feel thankful for.

    Right now I am thankful that I have my work computer with me and I am making a lovely photo book for my parents because of the summer vacation they put together at lake michigan. And then my family for being pretty darn normal overall (okay my daughter is using fake hair to extend dreadlocks in her mowhawk, but that is just hair). And that we have plenty of food, roof over our head, comfy beds, the whole bit.
  • All of it, the good, the bad, the ugly. I learn.
  • Seriously I'm starting to be more and more grateful for all the bullshit that has occurred in my life. All the drama, all the conflicts, all I am going through. Without them I can never practice patience, forbearance, quietude, introspection.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited November 2011
    While I love to stuff my face full of delicious, home-cooked food and watch football as much as the next stereotypical American, I think it's worthwhile to reflect on the history of Thanksgiving — from the mythologized 1621 celebration at Plymouth to the 1863 proclamation celebrating the Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg — and what it means to each of us who celebrate it.

    For me, like many others, Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and share a meal with those around me, friends, family, and strangers alike, in the spirit of generosity and kindness. But, given what I know, it's also a time to remember with somber clarity the bloody history this national holiday commemorates, and in doing so, strengthen my resolve to try and make this world a better place.

    Just something I wanted to share, and I'm thankful for having a community like to share it with.
  • Everything.
  • I am thankful to be alive and to have experienced a rather comfortable life with rich experiences... And I am thankful for my curious open mind that allows me to continue to learn and experience new things
  • I'm thankful that I never desire more than I can afford.
    AND.. also for the cake I baked today!
  • I wonder if we rephrase the question to: "Who are you thankful to?" How these posts might read.
  • Who are you thankful to?

  • auraaura Veteran
    edited November 2011
    There is no one on this earth who is not both student and teacher, and the older I get, the more I realize that nobody ever really graduates from this karma unless we all collectively graduate from this karma.
    It's a long haul,
    a very very long haul.
    But until everybody graduates from this karma
    heaven is just a room with a view...
    of hell.
  • everything and nothing
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    I am thankful I did not die last night. Today will be a great day!
  • I guess I'm one of those ungrateful ones. Of course I have experienced thankfulness, but it's not something I would experience constantly. I wonder, why or if there could be any reason for it to be different.
    Currently not feeling thankful for anything.
    Felt thankful yesterday, when a person tried to help me.
  • I'm thankful for my family. We're a fun loving bunch and every get together is just fun. It's not just my immediate family either, it's fun to hang out with my cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. Even though we have problems with each other, we can set them aside for a little while and have fun.
  • Today I saw 22 minutes of new video from 2008 showing Tibetans being dragged out of their homes and temples. I saw a scared elderly Tibetan lady being led down the street by Chinese soldiers who were laughing. Today I'm grateful to not live under occupation, and more determined than ever to use this unbelievably lucky life to help end the occupation in Tibet.
  • Everyone.
    There is no one on this earth who is not both student and teacher, and the older I get, the more I realize that nobody ever really graduates from this karma unless we all collectively graduate from this karma.
    It's a long haul,
    a very very long haul.
    But until everybody graduates from this karma
    heaven is just a room with a view...
    of hell.
    Thanks, as always.
  • My fiancee and job especially. Good upbrining.
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