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ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited November 2011 in Buddhism Today
So it continues, I am counting 17 weeks now of bangkok being under water in areas all over the capital. The cleanup is suggested to take up the first quarter of next year (every estimate and figure given so far on this distater has been wrong), and the clean up price- 25 billion dollars. Convert that into tha baht and you have a large money issue right there.

Every 7/11 has huge stacks of bottled water and alacohol outside everyday that I walk past. It seems that everyone is expecting some mass economical disaster to follow. Oh, and next years monsoon will most likely cause another flood similar. Maybe the government may actually be able to do a half assed job this time instead of ballsing it up totally.


  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    So it continues, I am counting 17 weeks now of bangkok being under water in areas all over the capital. The cleanup is suggested to take up the first quarter of next year (every estimate and figure given so far on this distater has been wrong), and the clean up price- 25 billion dollars. Convert that into tha baht and you have a large money issue right there.

    Every 7/11 has huge stacks of bottled water and alacohol outside everyday that I walk past. It seems that everyone is expecting some mass economical disaster to follow. Oh, and next years monsoon will most likely cause another flood similar. Maybe the government may actually be able to do a half assed job this time instead of ballsing it up totally.
    Oh, my goodness:( I am so sorry for the people and you. I can only say, hope it gets better!
  • Thank you for your compassion, a lot of people have been really devestated by this, and it is far from over. Saying that, the Thai's still seem to have a general notion of getting on with life as normal, it is quite surreal to see actually.
    This video shows it on the 10th of November, probably about 14 weeks into the flooding at the time. It shows how people are reacting. But still, 17 WEEKS, that has to be a record for a capital city being flooded or something.

  • How are you getting along with your girlfriend's kids? I know you were nervous about having them around.

    Also, what is language is your post title in, and how did you manage to get it to do that? That's lovely. What is the translation?
  • That is thai in the title, it says 'flood'. If you translate it phonetically you would have to say 'nam-too-um'. 'nam' meaning water in thai. Of course you would also have to add the tone which is a low tone to the end of the word. I did it by going onto google translate. But my computer has both English and Thai keys, but I do not know how to write flood in thai, although I can speak thai, reading and writing is a lot harder.

    Her kids never showed up in the end. The youngest is back in school in Bangkok somehow, and the other has decided to go further north where a cousin works to work with him for more money than he was getting in bangkok. He did not come here because he went with his girlfriend and his parents to escape the flood at the time.
  • So after 18 weeks of flooding, most of the water in Bangkok has gone, is it over then? No of course not. The estimated time for the cleanup process is 3-4 months and will cost 600billion dollars. Now for thai currency (thai baht) times that 600BN hby 30. I do not know what that will do to the economy or the country, but that is a lot of thai baht I can tell you that much. Also, next years monsoon season could easily produce a similar situation :-/
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    So after 18 weeks of flooding, most of the water in Bangkok has gone, is it over then? No of course not. The estimated time for the cleanup process is 3-4 months and will cost 600billion dollars. Now for thai currency (thai baht) times that 600BN hby 30. I do not know what that will do to the economy or the country, but that is a lot of thai baht I can tell you that much. Also, next years monsoon season could easily produce a similar situation :-/
    600 Billion! WOW!
  • It MIGHT be 600Million, I am trying to find the link I read a while ago. However, that is still a lot of money for Thailand to pay out considering it's wealth.
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