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Last Night

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited December 2011 in General Banter
Last night was hilarious. Me and my girlfriend planned to go out for a meal so we got ready and left. We stopped off at 7/11 on the way where the first eventful thing took place. I was in the que and a guy behind me had a capuchin monkey around his neck. I was almost ecstatic because I have always loved capuchin monkeys so much. I held it's hand and talked to the thai guy for a while.

We then walked from soi 88 to the place which is around soi 50, so it took about 30 minutes to walk there. I was already slightly drunk. The place has a live band and is opposite a guest house we use to live at for 3 months. So before that we sat in the bar area of the guest houses talking to a thai boy of 19 years who now works the night shift at reception who we know. I was surprised at how well now my thai is and how fluently it flows. It seems to be easier if I am drunk...

When we finally went across the road and sat at our table, we got some drinks and I had a steak. That being finished and listening to some moderate music, we thought what to do next. We were in the mood for going somehwere else, so I suggested a pub/bar type place, the only british style establishment in my town. However, it is situated right in the centre of the seedy area of town, where all of the lady bars are.

We got there and I had another steak, yes another steak. This one was a lot nicer, 16oz and more expensive by far! Now I was pretty drunk. This place had a band playing as well. I met a canadian guy who was about 55, bald and had this crazy white 'bikers' beard thing. We got talking about marriage and he said he wad divorced and to make sure he could not marry again he cut his finger half off, he showed me and it was half gone haha.

After all of that ensued we then decided to walk home. Now, this is what I and my GF found hilarious. When you walk through this area of town and you are a white foreigner, you will have the girls who work in each bar call out and try to get you to come in, literally bars side by side down each side of every side street. I was with my GF so none of them this time attempted to which I highly appreciated. But 3 times on the way home, a 'lady boy' tried it on with me. 3 different lady boys. Even though my GF was with me. Then we passed a gay bar and a guy tried it on with me. One of the lady boys said she/he would not mind if she came back home with me and my GF LOL. That area really is where you would go if you want to end up getting into one weird situation trust me. Before I ended up with my current GF, me and my friend at the time now and then went down to that area, now a days I never do as I dislike it, but that english pub is the only one and it is a shame that it should be situated where it is.


  • Sounds interesting!
  • the monkey sounds like fun, hmm, did the monkey get to buy things at 7-11
  • lol the monkey did not. In fact by cocincidence, me and that guy had the exact same item in our hands, a small bottle of beer.
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