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Technologists Will Be The Next Drug Dealers!

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited December 2011 in General Banter
Olivia Solon explains at Wired UK:

Technologists will become the next drug dealers, administering narcotics through brain stimulation, according to Rohit Talwar, the founder of Fast Future Research speaking at Intelligence Squared’s If conference.

Talwar was charged by the government to investigate the drugs landscape over the next 20 years, exploring scenarios going beyond the traditional model of gangs producing and shipping drugs around the world.

He described how the world of genomic sequencing and services such as 23 and Me open up possibilities for tailoring drugs to the individual, delivering effects based on your physiology — which could apply just as effectively to narcotics as it could medicines.

He cited research from the University of California, Berkeley where neuroscientists were able to replicate images people were seeing based on the brain patterns of activity. When combined with transcranial magnetic stimulation — which has been used to inhibit brain functions such as the ability to speak or remember — it opens up the possibility of electronically delivering targeted highs.

He said: “You could also visualise the experience and then tailor the effect to what you want. This nano-bio-info-cogno convergence gets us into some very interesting spheres.”

One scenario he imagines would make use of biological proteins manufactured with information-processing technology to deliver effects that could be triggered by electromagnetic stimulation. He imagined that they could be used in a club environment where the DJ would release nanoparticles that the audience could ingest…


  • lol, where there is authority, criminals always find a way around it soon enough. I am sure even this would turn into a way for gangs to make money. All they would have to do is to get to the people at the top, rough them up or kill a few people to show how serious they are, and demand a percent of the profit, that would be one way.
  • They already are. Look at the people slathering and tripping over themselves to get the latest and greatest gadget. No different that people hooked on Oxycontin as far as I'm concerned. Neither one can live without whatever it is they're addicted to.

    Just say no...

  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited December 2011
    When combined with transcranial magnetic stimulation — which has been used to inhibit brain functions such as the ability to speak or remember — it opens up the possibility of electronically delivering targeted highs.

    uh. that part really scares me... lol.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    They already are. Look at the people slathering and tripping over themselves to get the latest and greatest gadget. No different that people hooked on Oxycontin as far as I'm concerned. Neither one can live without whatever it is they're addicted to.

    Just say no...

    Good point!
  • That is a very good point indeed. There is one difference though between the ipad2 and oxycontin, oxycontin has a vastly higher death rate.
  • Says you! I've seen someone using an iPad while driving their car on the highway. I'd imagine their days are very numbered :)
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