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My First Buddhist Related Dream

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited December 2011 in General Banter
Another night, another long, detailed dream. Somebody on here last time claimed that I dream so often and in such a vivid manner because I sleep too much. Well before I start, last week I was getting to sleep and I was about 2 hours in when I was woken up buy something outside, I had a dream within those 2 hours so...

Anyway, as like with most dreams I am in England again, this time in school with a variety of people who I remember. Not all friends, just people in my class etc. I missed the first class of a new subject and in my dream I am joining it in the second. It is a class about some type of code but to what I do not know, a very strange code.
There is a break after the first hour for 10 minutes and I start speaking with someone in the class. I realize he has been to Thailand so I start speaking in Thai to him, he does back. I then as I often do, think to myself, 'why am I in the UK? I should be back in Thailand.''
After this brief discussion I sit back in my chair looking up at the ceiling and there is a bible hanging from a string. I stare at it and say outloud, ''Why is that there, I really do not believe in that rubbish, it is pretty silly.'' Then a girl I remember from my class, quite a big lass comes storming from the back of the class, stands in front of me and starts screaming in my face about how wrong I was to be a buddhist. She was shouting on and on, saying that the fact I believed in some guy from india who claimed to be enlightened was silly and so on. I tried to speak back saying that I respect her views but I cannot believe in them. She then takes a rubbish bin which for some reason was filled with yellow chalk and a bit of water, and she totally demolishes it on the floor. Her face was so red it was incredibe. Some guy behind me helps this girl to try and clean up the mess, I think to myself that I also should because that would be helpful and 'buddhist' lol. But I get shouted at again by her so take my seat again.

The teacher finally comes back and asks what has happened in a calm manner. Some people say what has happened and the general feeling throughout the room is that I was in the wrong. So after a few comments from behind me I have had enough. I stand up, get my bag and walk out. I walk around to the back entrance to my oldschool and down the alleyway. During school hours the backentrance always had the gates closed, and they were never easy to get over, but me and 2 other random people who were skipping school joined me.

That is basically it really. Just thought I would share it whilst it was somewhat fresh in my memory.


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited December 2011
    Its the cough syrup. Oh, I see. Interesting dream.

  • lol, no MG, that has long left my system. It was those shrooms I picked yesterday!
    joking, did not actually carry out that thought in the end.
  • Interesting dream; you remember a lot.
  • I often remember a lot of my dreams. Like my dream yesterday in America. I can tell you a lot of the details from that even now. It did have a somewhat 'spooky' feeling to it, and I had never had a dream in the US before. And then I woke up and saw your post about the shooting in Virginia Tech, I was a bit taken back to be honest.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Interesting fact (a propos of nothing specific)....
    Did you know that it's impossible for us to dream of a human face we've never seen before?
    Our minds cannot 'invent' a human face, with never-before-seen features.
    We can create monsters and images, but they will always be composites or creations of images we have previously absorbed, even without being aware of it.
  • Says something about the subconscious, the conscious mind can draw and create all kinds of faces, well most people with a conscious brain anyway. I guess the subconscious whilst dreaming just takes clips and snap shots from memories and uses them for some reason. I do not think that dreams are pure randomness, I think you dream for a reason, you are trying to resolve something on your mind without realizing it fully or something similar.
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