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Dec 11 Newbuddhist retreat 6 pm GMT

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited December 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Everybody, I have the room open now. We won't start for an hour but anyone is welcome to take a look at the room.

At 6 pm GMT we will start the meditation which will *not* occur in the chatroom. At 6:30(ish) pm GMT the video will start playing in the chatroom which is kind of like a theatre in that we watch the video together and may chat. Then following the video you can stay and chat or whatever you wish. I am personally going to do another meditation after the video.

the password of the room is newbuddhist

Theres the video in case the connection is a the chatroom


  • Thank you for this Jeffrey! This video came just at the right moment for me, as I am making plans to become more serious with my practice. I was wondering whether to meditate in the early morning or evening. The evening of course being full of those "let me just finish this first" traps! ;)
    So, early morning it is!
  • Hi ginab, yeah I think the video was good for me too, monkey mind indeed! I think I am going to do this again, its not difficult to set up. I think with a group of people it kind of energizes things which is good.

    Ginab, I actually usually do evening after my dinner has settled. I feel more alert later in the day. Morning is good though too! So sometimes I do that and it is a great way to 'get the meditation out of the way'. Making it a priority like in the video.
  • possibilitiespossibilities PNW, WA State Veteran
    Hi @Jeffrey - don't give up on this idea - from what I understand this is giving several people an incentive to get back into a meditation routine - which was my intention, but.... "life happens when you're making other plans" (John Lennon, though I guess he didn't coin the phrase).
    Enjoyed listening to the audio though, next time a longer talk? The selected time btw works well for me (west coast).

    Hi @ginab - nice to meet you :-)
  • Oh yes, possibilities, I am going to continue to do this. It is not a lot of work and I benefit anyhow even if only a couple partake. The video was pretty short maybe next time a longer? I am open to suggestions on videos as well!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Am I too late?
  • I could not make it as I had to get an early night for an exam today. Well guess what, I went there and like typical thai organization, there was no exam. Sheer lack of communication in businesses and the government here make such things happen. My teacher was miffed, but one of the women in charge emailed me that it was today and when I spoke to her today before I met my teacher, she said it was.. lol. owel.

    Also, on the way home I got hit on again by a gay guy. I have absolutley nothing wrong with homosexuals, but why do I seem to get hit on by them so often? What is it, I don't get it lol.

    I hope the retreat went well everyone :)
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