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Cult of Cthulhu

edited December 2011 in General Banter
Ever hear of the Cthulhu mythos? By HP Lovecraft? Yes, well, there is an actual cult surrounding it. An actual cult. Bet that caught you off guard... it sure did with me. Here is an excerpt from their website.

"We suffer because we are broken machines, cracked eggs, incomplete programs, existential mutations, holograms who have lost their way. Everything else may be illusory, but endless human suffering is the inevitable truth which we must start with.

Our philosophy is almost like a sinister Buddhism... awakening with fire, with lightning, with lust, cruelty, and indomitable will. Traditional Buddhism seeks to alleviate suffering by eliminating the initial craving, adhering to the middle path, and ignoring extremes. The CoC overcomes the suffering of this world by becoming conscious. We go after our desires. Yes, we actively meditate and strive for enlightenment, but we also covet and conquer. This is a religion of the spirit and the flesh!

Those who read these words with understanding are more (or perhaps less) than human. If you feel a connection, a resonance with the prophecy of the Old Ones, then you are not like most. Genetically, you are not altogether homosapien. It is believed by some that a distinct minority of human beings were born closer to the demon heritage of Lord Cthulhu. The superior development of our gifts, imbued within us by the Dark Gods, has gone farther than ordinary man. We have evolved beyond our brothers. And it is this evolutionary might which drives us towards higher goals. Freeing the Old Ones, destroying this “reality”, and transforming into Gods ourselves…those are our goals. We welcome those of the Left Hand Path as brothers and sisters. Let us work together to accomplish something worthwhile!"




  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    That image under 'viridescent
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Whoops. Sorry, phone malfunction... The first image under 'Our Viridescent Teaching' is quite terrifying! I'm struggling to take this website seriously (not newbuddhist - the cultofcthulhu!) but I shall continue to look through it, it is interesting non the less.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    .....I'm struggling to take this website seriously....
    Me too.
    Unless someone can tell me otherwise, I'm moving this to GB.....

    (I'm happy to be persuaded otherwise.....)

  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Praise the true god!


    At least death, pain, and insanity is assured in life!
  • Me too.
    Unless someone can tell me otherwise, I'm moving this to GB.....

    (I'm happy to be persuaded otherwise.....)

    The man is serious. He is trying to be a teacher/mentor.

    "This is what I propose for those who are committed to making super-efforts in order to achieve an extraordinary life. Email me to set up a free consultation, and we’ll see if you could benefit from the Venger Satanis Motivational Life Coaching program. ::: Venger.Satanis at

    By the way, If you don’t already have your free PDF of Cthulhu Cult, book I of our bible, then please ask me for it. Book II, Liber A:O, can be found right here on the website.

    * Three hour-long or six half-hour sessions @ $100

    * Seven hour-long or fourteen half-hour sessions @ $200

    * Group seminar rates are based on availability, duration, accommodation, and travel expenses.

    * Comprehensive, hands-on nine week e-course workshops focusing on the following subjects: the Fourth Way, Viridian Sorcery, and Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. E-courses will be starting on May 1st @ $75 per subject. Sign up ASAP because space is limited to 7 people per “classroom”."

  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Copied and pasted from the site: The Cult of Cthulhu, as an instrument for the evolution of mankind, effectively owns or rules over Satanism, the 9AO, Christianity, and even Buddhism (hey, why not?).

    HAHAHAHA! *Laughing hard, hitting sofa!*

    The founder of this has to be on acid, no?

    Look at the man under Anointing:
    You sure this is a genuine site? It really tickles me :D
  • Mormons wear magic underwear. Catholics believe they eat their God. Scientologists believe they are possessed by ancient alien spirits.

    Who is to say what is and is not a religion? Many religions are wacky.
  • Sorry but there is no font for otherworldly colors thus I cannot fully show the splendor of HP Lovecraft, love his books.
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    Mormons wear magic underwear. Catholics believe they eat their God. Scientologists believe they are possessed by ancient alien spirits.

    Who is to say what is and is not a religion? Many religions are wacky.
    Yes, very true - many religions are indeed wacky. This actually openly admits it's a cult. I didn't know Mormons wear magic underwear, ( ) this morning has been quite an education for me Bekenze
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited December 2011
    I was actually a bit excited when I saw this because I'm a big horror buff and a fan of the Cthulhu mythos in particular, and the mention of Buddhism at the beginning intrigued me. Unfortunately, the rest is mostly a bit of a let down. It combines a bit of satanist rhetoric with Buddhism, Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, and some pseudo-racist/social Darwinist BS just for fun (i.e., the suggestion of being genetically superior to ordinary people, whether meant literally or metaphorically); although I do like the bit about "freeing the Old Ones" and "destroying this 'reality,'" which is a rather clever, psychological twist combining the satanic rhetoric with Buddhist philosophy, and reminds me of the Indian tantric practice of transgressing boundaries and taboos in order to help gain spiritual power and enlightenment. Sounds like something I would have been into for a week when I was like 14. Probably better off just renting Jodorowsky's mindfuck of a film, The Holy Mountain, though.
  • Mormons wear magic underwear. Catholics believe they eat their God. Scientologists believe they are possessed by ancient alien spirits.

    Who is to say what is and is not a religion? Many religions are wacky.
    It's true - it can be hard to tell the difference between a wacky cult and a regular ol' religion. To the outsider, everything seems strange. However, that Cthulhu thing scares the hell out of me, so that gives it +1 point in the "cult" column for me. :hair:
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Crazy stuff, indeed.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    On a semi-related note, Cthulhu fans might be interested in checking out A Very Scary Solstice, a cd of holiday songs from the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. My favourites include "Death to the World," "Silent Night, Blasphemous Night," and "It's The Most Horrible Time Of The Year."
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    sounds cheery....! :zombie: :D
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