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Bed meditation?

edited December 2011 in Meditation
Does anyone else like to meditate while laying in bed? Or am I commiting a major Buddhist faux-pas by doing so? For me, there is something very calming about bed, compared to seated meditation.


  • There is the Lion posture (sihasana) for lying down while meditating and several statues of Buddha do depict him as lyying down in this particular posture.

    You simply cradle your head in the palm of your right hand while lying down on your right side. You extend your right leg all the way till it's completely straight with the left leg on top but in contrast to the image of Buddha I have referenced you are supposed to bend the left knee (Not the right knee you keep that leg extended outwards fully) so that the left foot touches the floor,mat...etc.
    Using this posture you can meditate while laying down.

    Now as for lying down on bed while meditation commonly a meditaor is discouraged from meditating on top of a bed because usually it leads to sleep instead of mindfulness. So unless you know you'll have the discipline to stay awake or the lucidity to extend your meditation into your dreams I suggest that you meditate on a rug or on the floor.
  • *Spelling corrections: Meditator
    *correction "...on bed while *meditating*
  • I have been Meditating in bed as well. I have such a hard time trying to relax that I thought it would be a good idea. Where are you most relaxed? Bed. Plus, instead of just focusing on Breath, I an actually feel my heart beat in my abdomen, which gives me another sorce of focus. I'm glad you asked this question....
  • I agree. In bed, I feel removed from the distractions: technology, animals, noises from the street, etc. My bedroom is at the back of the house, so it definitely has that calm feeling. I love the heart-abdomen feeling! It makes me feel very connected to my energy. I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)
  • Meditating prone is fine. They say the important thing is to have all the chakras lined up, which they are when you're lying down, sitting in a chair, or sitting in the lotus position. Meditating in bed is a good option for people with health issues that make it difficult to meditate any other way. If it works for you, go for it! :)
  • Cheers, Dakini! I have tailbone problems, so sitting in meditation is great for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes, and then it's painful. In bed, I can relax, take deep breaths, enjoy the silence, and not feel like I'm being stabbed in the tailbone. Nice to know I'm a-ok though.
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    There is also what is known as the corpse position for meditation. A good one for on the floor or in bed. image
  • You can do it, sure. It may just be difficult at times because you can fall asleep.
  • Does anyone else like to meditate while laying in bed? Or am I commiting a major Buddhist faux-pas by doing so? For me, there is something very calming about bed, compared to seated meditation.
    SHAVASANA ! The Corpse Pose

    Very effective for mind/body scan prior to mindfulness meditation.
  • What every yogi looks forward to during those killer yoga workouts! :)
  • Cheers, Dakini! I have tailbone problems, so sitting in meditation is great for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes, and then it's painful. In bed, I can relax, take deep breaths, enjoy the silence, and not feel like I'm being stabbed in the tailbone. Nice to know I'm a-ok though.
    Try using the seiza position. I bought a little seiza bench, but you can do it with a pillow. I have a pretty scrawny butt, so I can get coccyx (tail bone) problems too. The seiza position eliminates that entirely, and I find it quite comfortable. Experiment with various heights to find a comfortable position for you. The higher your butt is off the floor, the easier it is on your knees.

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