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My Ten Year Plan

novaw0lfnovaw0lf Veteran
edited January 2012 in Philosophy
I learned about this concept from one of my many mentors in the military. The original plan consists of major goals with intricate details of exactly how you're going to accomplish whatever it is that you want to in life, but experience has taught me that it's futile to try and control every aspect of your life. I liked this article because within its context is described the way that I go about accomplishing things in my own life. It's good to have a plan: without any direction at all, one could easily wound up exactly where they don't want to be; those who stand for nothing will fall for anything, however: neither should a person struggle with trying to control every aspect of things like their love life, and wound themselves up so tightly that they stress themselves to self-destruction. An excellent article.

Life is like flowing water in a river: one should seek to strike a balance between self-discipline, and open-mindedness; a river may have a set destination, but all should enjoy the unpredictable ebb and flow it takes to get there.

"The journey is more important than the end or the start." -Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park)

"If the strings are too loose, they won't play a sound. If they are too tight, they will break." -From the story of the Buddha

Perhaps this idea can help you guys on your path. Amitoufou.


  • Another way to say it could be:

    You need fire to forge a sword, but too much fire and the sword will be brittle, and break; too little, and the sword will be soft...and break.
  • I think I've had the same 10 year plan for the past 25 years.... :-/
  • That is good, I can be very ambitious. The problems I have are trying to do too much (hey i got used to being hypomanic for a lifetime) and when outside forces make a significant change and i have to adjust. I just work at not being too attached to the goal so that I don't see other opportunities. This year I have made a major switch from wanting to be in a classroom to wanting to teach on a less specific area. I am writing a proposal to teach a class at our 'free university' with enrichment kind of things like crochet and ballroom dancing and computer skills.

    then there is that pesky half novel, ...
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    @novaw0lf Basically describes how I live my life. A series of fortunate accidents that I like to think I had a hand in. :)
  • I think certain goals i.e. traveling to Paris and many other destinations around the world cost money. Sometimes those goals are only obtainable to those that have the means, I mean I think its a fact that without the extra money sometimes its hard to meet those goals. That's alright though because there are many wonderful dreams and a goals in life that are obtainable without money.
  • I have a ten year plan since I was fourteen, and though its taken me longer to hit my biggest one on this list, I might just be there at the end of the year (getting my first novel published). Im also at Uni which is great and Im hoping to get my body into great physical condition before I hit my prime (Im going to say 25 is my prime for the sake of). The only other things on my ten year plan I have left are the mostlong winded: reaching black belt in at least two disciplines (one of which Im nearing as we speak)
  • GuiGui Veteran
    - to outlive Keith Richards. Then what?
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