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I don't know if it is public

edited January 2012 in General Banter
I just heard from a friend who still works at Target that at the end of 2012 Target will stop offering health insurance to employees. This appears to be everyone, not just part time. i had health insurance through them when i worked 20 + hours a week and it was a lifesaver (not that I was that sick or anything, just needing basic coverage). If this is true that it will be devastating to so many people. My friend has cancer, already copays have wiped her out financially. She is too worn out to continue treatments right now but keeps on working full time. She is going to apply for assistance for her son who is severely autistic now and when the school year is over (this was the last year they had a good placement for him) will likely have not other option but to quit and take care of herself and her son.

I can't imagine, there are people who have worked there 25 years. I will follow up and see if it is totally true.


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    1. Do you know if this is fact?
    2. Is it related to the new health insurance laws?
    3. Is an alternative for the employees in the works?
  • No I don't know more than this yet. I know they will offer a health savings account, nothing more yet. I guess I shouldn't react yet, i just know my friend tends to understand these things accurately and if it is true that is a huge personal issue. Maybe just sending good vibes that there is something not as dire as it sounds.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited January 2012
    I worked at Target like 7 years ago. It was an interesting experience. I your friend and other people at Target get some sort of assistance!
  • How does the health saving account work? Does the employer contribute? This is scary.

    Employees who are at or below the poverty line can qualify for a state-subsidized high-risk insurance pool, every state has one. It's possible that even with a job, because she has a dependent, she could qualify for the 75% discount on insurance. It has really good coverage, including mental health coverage.

    So this is business dumping more responsibility on the public sector. You and your friend and everyone who knows her and her son should write their representatives in Congress and tell her story--wiped out financially just by co-pays, an autistic son, and now her business is dropping health benefits. If this doesn't point to the need for a public insurance plan, nothing does. This is outrageous, that people like this go broke in the US, just because of co-pays. I can't help but wonder how these state insurance pools are going to fare, with government going broke, thanks to corporations and individuals who don't want to pay their share.
  • I think that I will see how this plays out but definitely get something writing to public officials. It is insane, she has stayed off assistance this long because they keep on sending the paperwork back to her and it is overwhelming and also she has real pride in working. She does not want to just take, she would rather work, but it may not be possible now.
  • They all have email addresses now. That's a good angle, though--she's stayed off assistance because she has self-respect, she takes pride in working. But the system is pushing her toward assistance.
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