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Mixing the Vipassana styles

edited January 2012 in Meditation
How compatible are the various Vipassana meditation techniques.I mean if I sit a Goenka retreat then go to Mahasi style a few months later and someother similar techniques like Suan Mokh and related Thai/Burmese styles I guess its all going the same direction right?.Keeping the precepts and the attention fixed in the body is the main thing right?Probably best to stick to only one but for the spice of variety i guess mixing them up doesnt matter too much right?and What is the purpose of all these different styles anyway?


  • Noting practice objectifies phenomena.

    When one starts to make noting a habit, it becomes super fast. As soon as you note an object, the object becomes an object of awareness. By becoming an object it has no power over you.

    In essence you cut it from starting the process of becoming.

    If we stay with contact and then arising of feeling (pleasant, neutral, unpleasant) and see that such processes are impersonal then we can see where exactly the personal aspects comes into play.

    By seeing how suffering arises (through the personal) we can learn to stop and pause. Thus we have a choice.

    By doing this enough one can forever stop suffering because one has conditioned themselves out of the arising of suffering (making personal). Thus attaining permanent nirvana.

    So in short the idea is that once you objectify phenomena, then it is not you. It is just a passing tourist. You build concentration and eventually this leads to one pointedness and jhanas. But that really isn't the goal. The goal is to attain insight into how suffering arises and ceases. Thus giving you full control to ones personal liberation.
  • I am sure they are compatible. You can research into all those styles. There's only one way to find out.
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