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edited January 2012 in Buddhism Basics
Does anybody here ever feel a tinge of guilt when doing the things you love? I know it sounds strange, but there are times when I find myself very content, doing nothing at all or doing something I'm passionate about, when a sudden thought of guilt comes into my mind. I begin to think of all the people in the world with nothing, no food, no family, suffering, dying of disease or starvation. I then almost think that it is wrong for me to be celebrating at all when I know that this takes place. I begin to reevaluate my life and this brings more guilt. I live in a nice, relatively large home. I have heating and cooling, I fridge full of nutritious food, a warm bed, a dog, a beautiful neighborhood and yard. I can do the things that I like and I do. I play music, I create art, I practice mediation. And yet despite all of these blessings, I manage to make myself unhappy. I torment myself with the thought that pursuing my own interests is wrong and selfish, even though I'm not hurting anyone. I could help people more.... but where should it stop? must I sacrifice my livelihood to help those with nothing? Can I even truly help people? Does anybody experience this when practicing meditation or at least thinking about the lifestyle that practicing entails?


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2012
    Don't worry about where it should stop. Worry about where it should start. Small things.'

    If you make some changes you might feel more empowered to handle these issues. For example you could donate 15 dollars right now to a charity. You can research ones that are 'good' via reviewer watchdog type websites/articles. Volunteer your time. Smile at someone at the grocery.

    Also in my opinion your meditation and dharma practice (including study) is very beneficial to all sentient beings. As you become more enlightened you can help other beings. As you see just having a nice house and things doesn't make one automatically happy... So use that as a goad to spur you on to the dharma activities. You can dedicate the merit to all sentient beings.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I think Jeffrey's response is pretty much on target. None of us can save the world, but there are things we can do either through our profession, charity work, or donations.

    But there are even more subtle things. I live in a townhome complex that is not a senior complex, but on my street there happens to be several seniors (even more senior than me). I've vacuumed for them, fixed computers, walked dogs, cleaned house, taken them to dinner, run errands, watered plants, cooked for them, etc. Now one of them is easy to do things for since she's such a wonderfully nice person. But the other is a witch...well, you know what I mean...but when she calls, I'm there to help.
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