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Just got my Kindle! So excited!:)

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited January 2012 in General Banter
Got my Kindle today!:) So Happy! Does anyone have one? If so, thoughts/opinions/recommendations? I loaded around one-hundred Ebooks from my computer and will be starting my reading tomorrow. Love the Kindle for it's great design in E-Ink technology, does not hurt the eyes, and keeps me away from the computer, as I read a lot.

With Metta,


  • I love mine. I never realized how much I would use the built in dictionary...what a great tool. I recommend getting a cover for it too, makes it feel like an actual book in my hand. Lots of free Buddhist books out there too! Have fun!
  • Yes, the built in dictionary is the best feature ever. I love my Kindle for reading books straight through. I do not like it for text books and professional reading however.
  • I have a Nook. My suggestion is that you get a library card and check to see if your local library has an online ebook borrowing system. Most libraries now do. Then you just log on, choose and download the ebook off their catalog, and it automatically expires in 2 weeks so you never have to worry about being overdue. And it's free.

  • I have a Nook. My suggestion is that you get a library card and check to see if your local library has an online ebook borrowing system. Most libraries now do. Then you just log on, choose and download the ebook off their catalog, and it automatically expires in 2 weeks so you never have to worry about being overdue. And it's free.

    Gutenburg library free
  • Got my Kindle today!:) So Happy! Does anyone have one?
    No thanks. Real books don't need batteries or computers or software upgrades and there is nothing to go wrong. :)
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    They've really taken off haven't they the Kindle's! I don't have one, but I know a few people that do and they all love them too. I was impressed when I saw my husbands and realised that the font is all written in 'ink', it looks very realistic; book - like :D
    He reads it in the bath though, which worries me. It won't work too well if he drops it in the water!
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    I too love the feel, smell and touch of real books. However, ebook readers are the wave of the future. I have the Kindle (e-ink) keyboard version and my wife has the Kindle Fire. There's just no getting around how convenient they are, and how they allow us to bring along tons of books, magazines and newspapers on our travels. That just wouldn't be possible any other way.
  • Yeah, as a writer I love seeing my words on an actual object that can be handled, handed down, and maybe someone a hundred years from now will pull out of a dusty box of used books and read. But, most of my sales are now off the ebook format. Including sales worldwide now. I guess it's just what we gotta accept.

  • Got my Kindle today!:) So Happy! Does anyone have one?
    No thanks. Real books don't need batteries or computers or software upgrades and there is nothing to go wrong. :)
    And they have such a good scent. Like spice (sigh).

    If the sun ever farts wrong and sends a solar flare that will emp kindle people are going to be real sorry.
  • I totally love my nook. My mom refuses to let us get her one. i do love regular books but this is so cool, way more fun than I thought it would be. I have instant gratification for one thing. and I don't have to special order the books I want or wait for mail to deliver them. I can get about any book I want as fast as a best seller. Of course I usually use this to get the latest James Patterson at 7 am on release day. I was able to get one book in French, Le Petit Prince, and I see that as something I want to do more of.

    I got used to the e-format when I did grad school online 6-7 years ago. Only a couple books were printed. I even got to the point where I stopped taking paper notes and just opened a word doc next to the book for notes. Having a good backup is essential, however when I realized how much paper I was wasting to print articles instead of reading them on the computer I was hooked. And in my program I have unlimited access for life to the library of the school. I truly never had an issue of losing anything in my program.

  • P.S. the first person I knew to get a kindle was a friend who has fibromyalgia and could not read a regular book (okay giant Stephen King book) without too much pain. So the e-readers are very good for physical limitations instead of being stuck with TV all the time.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Got my Kindle today!:) So Happy! Does anyone have one?
    No thanks. Real books don't need batteries or computers or software upgrades and there is nothing to go wrong. :)
    Lol! I love real books and have hundreds, however, I have thousands and I mean thousands of Ebooks that need to be read and they are not in paper back/hardcover format. Therefore, Kindle is going to be key!:)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    They've really taken off haven't they the Kindle's! I don't have one, but I know a few people that do and they all love them too. I was impressed when I saw my husbands and realised that the font is all written in 'ink', it looks very realistic; book - like :D
    He reads it in the bath though, which worries me. It won't work too well if he drops it in the water!
    Yea, that could be scary, for the "husband dropping the Kindle into the bathtub," watch him closely!:)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I too love the feel, smell and touch of real books. However, ebook readers are the wave of the future. I have the Kindle (e-ink) keyboard version and my wife has the Kindle Fire. There's just no getting around how convenient they are, and how they allow us to bring along tons of books, magazines and newspapers on our travels. That just wouldn't be possible any other way.
    I love the smell myself and I regularly visit used book stores to just smell the books, but the convenience and the options that the Kindle offers goes a far way.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I totally love my nook. My mom refuses to let us get her one. i do love regular books but this is so cool, way more fun than I thought it would be. I have instant gratification for one thing. and I don't have to special order the books I want or wait for mail to deliver them. I can get about any book I want as fast as a best seller. Of course I usually use this to get the latest James Patterson at 7 am on release day. I was able to get one book in French, Le Petit Prince, and I see that as something I want to do more of.

    I got used to the e-format when I did grad school online 6-7 years ago. Only a couple books were printed. I even got to the point where I stopped taking paper notes and just opened a word doc next to the book for notes. Having a good backup is essential, however when I realized how much paper I was wasting to print articles instead of reading them on the computer I was hooked. And in my program I have unlimited access for life to the library of the school. I truly never had an issue of losing anything in my program.

    Exactly! With Dictionary and Wikipedia and the internet built it for research how can you go wrong? I mean it's good to go back and forth from actual books to Ebook readers. Or at least that's how I feel.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Got my Kindle today!:) So Happy! Does anyone have one?
    No thanks. Real books don't need batteries or computers or software upgrades and there is nothing to go wrong. :)
    And they have such a good scent. Like spice (sigh).

    If the sun ever farts wrong and sends a solar flare that will emp kindle people are going to be real sorry.
    HAHA! True! However, I will probably read it at home only.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    My kindle has already paid for itself regarding my um, *cough* romancenoveladdiction *cough*

    Seriously though, the publisher I used to order from was $16.99 plus S&H, but ebooks are only $9.99. Borders was the only book store that actually carried their works, but now that they're out of business, I was sorta SOL. And, it's like the best thing ever when you wake up too sick for work and don't know what to do with yourself.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    My kindle has already paid for itself regarding my um, *cough* romancenoveladdiction *cough*

    Seriously though, the publisher I used to order from was $16.99 plus S&H, but ebooks are only $9.99. Borders was the only book store that actually carried their works, but now that they're out of business, I was sorta SOL. And, it's like the best thing ever when you wake up too sick for work and don't know what to do with yourself.
    Lol! Definitely better than watching T.V., also I do not that a lot of Ebooks in the Kindle which is 1.1 million Ebooks being sold thus far are half of the price of regular books if not more.
  • I think the books are backed up in your account. I have a Barnes and Noble account for my nook, when my son got one then we joined my account and he has access to all the same books on his device. So no trashy novels for me huh, mostly we share the complete Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but some of the Patterson books for young adults are also good for both of us.
  • They've really taken off haven't they the Kindle's! I don't have one, but I know a few people that do and they all love them too. I was impressed when I saw my husbands and realised that the font is all written in 'ink', it looks very realistic; book - like :D
    He reads it in the bath though, which worries me. It won't work too well if he drops it in the water!
    Yea, that could be scary, for the "husband dropping the Kindle into the bathtub," watch him closely!:)
    Or in my experience: the toilet.
  • My kindle has already paid for itself regarding my um, *cough* romancenoveladdiction *cough*

    Seriously though, the publisher I used to order from was $16.99 plus S&H, but ebooks are only $9.99. Borders was the only book store that actually carried their works, but now that they're out of business, I was sorta SOL. And, it's like the best thing ever when you wake up too sick for work and don't know what to do with yourself.
    I remember you said you're working on a novel...if you haven't read anne bishop's the black jewel trilogy, I recommend.

    Everything that romance and dark magic can offer.
  • If the sun ever farts wrong and sends a solar flare that will emp kindle people are going to be real sorry.
    Yes, and according to the new-agers the world is going to end this year anyway, so I'm not buying any new gadgets

  • My kindle has already paid for itself regarding my um, *cough* romancenoveladdiction *cough*

    Seriously though, the publisher I used to order from was $16.99 plus S&H, but ebooks are only $9.99. Borders was the only book store that actually carried their works, but now that they're out of business, I was sorta SOL. And, it's like the best thing ever when you wake up too sick for work and don't know what to do with yourself.
    An additional bonus with ebooks is that, since the publisher doesn't have to actually print and mail a book when ordered, it can cost a lot less and still give the distributer, publisher and writer the same profit. Unfortunately, distributers and some publishers are greedy enough to charge the same price as a paper product and pocket the difference. Believe me, none of it goes to the writer.

    For instance, @zombiegirl, if you like romance stories, one of my publishers that specializes in romance has an entire 99 cent menu of novellas. People are also starting to order single stories instead of paying for entire anthologies now. Here's the link to one of my books on Amazon to see what's now being offered.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited January 2012
    The problem is that I read lesbian romance, which is pretty hard to find. There are two major publishers that I follow and when available, I try to buy the ebooks directly from their websites rather than amazon. I'm sure the writers get a decent cut since they are pretty small companies, both run by writers themselves. The lesbian romance genre has really only existed (as comparable to mass market hetero romance) for probably the better part of a decade. Reading through the bios you really get the feel that they were like, "Well, if no one else will publish us, we'll just do it ourselves!"

    As a side note, I really enjoy that I can read these sort of books in public on my kindle and not feel totally embarrassed because the covers on romance novels are... eh, you know.
  • >

    Yes, and according to the new-agers the world is going to end this year anyway, so I'm not buying any new gadgets

    Okay the mother of some long term friends was nicknamed Star Mom many years ago. She had survival gear in the back of her Subaru for like a decade after Y2K, never needed it. Plus all her fears that my family would fall into the ocean when we lived in California turned out false. Sweet lady, but many people in that family are on the oddness spectrum (like I am one to talk!)

  • Got my Kindle today!:) So Happy! Does anyone have one?
    No thanks. Real books don't need batteries or computers or software upgrades and there is nothing to go wrong. :)
    Agreed, I prefer physical books since it feels so much better. I'm reading a book right now called Retribution it's about the last year of WW2 in the pacific from the Japanese point of view, and the paper it's printed on is extraordinary. It's so smooth and is the perfect thickness and texture. But I am guilty of reading ebooks. For some books that I do not own or my schools library doesn't have, as someone who hates spending any money my only option is to find an ebook or PDF version so I can read it.
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