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A meditation room of my own

edited January 2012 in Buddhism Basics
Finally I have a room only for meditation.
It's perfect. Installed the carpet tonight and got everything set up.
I can't wait to sit.


  • Take a pic and show us...
  • Does it have any art? Candles & incense? Tell us more.
  • I bet it's empty space..
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    i have a meditation room, too.

    It's called 'planet Earth'.....
  • nice! having a separate spot for meditating is GREAT
  • i have a meditation room, too.

    It's called 'planet Earth'.....
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    well it's true... bit by bit we find that wonderfully comforting though it is to have a 'special place, Meditation can be practised anywhere, any time....noisy, quiet, crowded, deserted, urban, rural, central, isolated, sitting, walking......

    Go for it!

  • Yeah. If I had a meditation room I would stop using it after it lost it's novelty. Sorry op.
  • I think it sounds nice :) I'm happy for you! Pics?
  • Thanks to those that are happy for me. I'll take some pics today. Have a doctor appt shortly otherwise I'd do it now.
    Yes, you can meditate anywhere and while doing anything. A couple of my favorite meditation practices are grocery shopping and doing the dishes.
    I normally like to meditate outside but living in Michigan that's not always possible.
    I found that my sitting meditation wasn't as productive as it should be when I sat in any old corner or area of the house.
    I had a spare room that was not utilized and figured I would make it into a meditation room. Just redoing the room was a great meditation in itself.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Don't get me wrong - I AM happy for you - but by the same token, it has happened that some folk become so 'fixated' on having to have a 'special environment' that they confine their ability to meditate....
    so as I said, while it's great to have a special place, it's also productive to practice wherever you are.....
  • When I read the OP I was thinking along similar lines to federica actually, but of course, to have peace and quiet helps with meditation when we are starting out, but those distractions and noises, they often excel our progress and ability to find a focus.
  • I love to read. I'll read anywhere (except in a moving vehicle) at the drop of a hat, for ages and ages. Indoors, outdoors, doesn't matter.

    But my *favourite* place to read is in my sitting room. It's calm, it's quiet, the furniture is comfortable, and it has good (natural) light.

    Liking one does not discount the other.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    Don't get me wrong - I AM happy for you - but by the same token, it has happened that some folk become so 'fixated' on having to have a 'special environment' that they confine their ability to meditate....
    so as I said, while it's great to have a special place, it's also productive to practice wherever you are.....
    So true... lovely you have a room but at the same time, tick tock tick tock... so much meditation and so little time...! What do you call it when your everyday life is in harmony with meditative practice such that it is impossible to determine when you are meditating and when youre not and living? There's a name for it surely....?
  • Still a little work to do. I'd love to add a nice thangka or two.
    Perhaps a nice plant that doesn't need much light.
    Sooner or later it will be just right. :D
  • I love it aestheticly pleasing.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    That's my husband's favourite phrase.... everything slightly 'off' is "aesthetically DISpleasing".....!

    and much as occasionally I've felt like contradicting him - he's always been right....

    I used to be a Feng Shui consultant, and it's all so true.... if your ambience is "Aesthetically pleasing" everything seems to just come right....!
  • @federica lol...sorry I can't spell to save my life.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    It does look lovely and relaxing... meditation room doesnt quite cover it - inner sanctum more like!

    I had to temporarily move bed during redeco work... downstairs with my head to the front door and my feet to the back - apparently really bad as all your luck gets washed out of the house? Can't say I believe in it but after a car crash, stolen bag and broken foot (all separate incidents within 2 weeks) I moved and all is presently well... powerful magic that Feng Shui!
  • Inner Sanctum... I like that.
  • Are you going to paint or leave it white?

    Isn't lavender and green calming?

    Or blue or earthy colors ?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @federica lol...sorry I can't spell to save my life.
    what...? that's not what I meant..... i wasn't trying to correct you, please know that.....:)

    I had to temporarily move bed during redeco work... downstairs with my head to the front door and my feet to the back - apparently really bad as all your luck gets washed out of the house? Can't say I believe in it but after a car crash, stolen bag and broken foot (all separate incidents within 2 weeks) I moved and all is presently well... powerful magic that Feng Shui!
    Talk about left brain/right brain....
    there I was, a westerner, offering people consultations and my left hemisphere would be saying,
    "what?! Are you serious?? Have you any idea how ridiculous you sound? How the hell is a picture of a tree or forest going to help this guy land a job, ferchrissakes?!??"

    and my right hemisphere would be arguing,
    "No, no, noooo! Go with it! This stuff works, you know it does - ! Don't know how, but it just does!"

    ...And shaw 'nuff, within a couple of days, I'd get the client calling me.....!
    Funnily enough, their first phrase was invariably,
    "I don't know if this is a coincidence, but....."

    Funny huh?
    They had enough faith in me to call me over, let me go round their home, modify it, add touches, give recommendations, explanations and a shopping list of associated 'Feng Shui cures' and pay me for the privilege..... and then call me up with 'maybe a coincidence'.....!

    Like I said - I don't know why, or how.
    you need to suspend the classic Western, calculating, naturally-cynical mind, and be open to all and any possibilities.... but it gets you somewhere...!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I apologise, I wasn't trying to threadjack....but it seemed to follow on quite naturally.
    I hope you don't mind.

    In fact, if anyone needs any FS input, feel free to PM.

    And I'll leave it at that. :)
  • Are you going to paint or leave it white?

    Isn't lavender and green calming?

    Or blue or earthy colors ?
    Hard to tell from the pics but the walls are a grey/lavender.
    @federica that's quite alright. I tried to use my very limited FS knowledge. If you happen to notice any glaring problems a noob like me made, please let me know.
  • ZeroZero Veteran
    @federica... I wish I knew you before the broken foot!! Like you say... I wont be doubting the power of Feng Shui or 'aesthetically pleasing' again... the inner sanctum looks awesome - hope you find many hours of peace there @kangaroo....
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