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But in nature connects with the Buddha nature within

edited January 2012 in Buddhism Today

Loving Shugden

As we all know and agree that Dorje Shugden is by no fault an enlightened Being of the highest nature. Openly portraying himself as the sacred protector of Manjunatha Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings, he had vowed to arise as an UNCOMMON protector of the sublime Gaden lineage. This form which He has dutifully taken in order to serve his Spiritual Master with the interest to preserve the holy lineage which is unmistakenly clear and lucidly outlines the path to Supreme Enlightenment.

It is therefore with great responsibility that this noble monk, Je Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen in his lifetime chose to arise during his murder as this uncommon protector. The controversies surrounding this historical figure today has lead to many uncalled for mental anguish and material deprivation. The ban since its conceptualization and beginning has pushed Tibetan Buddhism especially the lineage of the Gaden tradition to the forefront. Both negative and positive feedback has been received by the media and people around the world which denotes the amount of care and hate people have for this deity.

The current result; people have heard about Tibetan Buddhism, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Lamas, Rinpoches, Geshes, and of course Dorje Shugden. Without any doubt it has triggered in the recipient’s mind that such things exist. Those who are concerned showed signs of care which triggers the dormant compassion in them, allowing a seed of liberation in the form of Compassion and Love to sprout in barren grounds of today’s world of advanced technology. Those who show hate and malice towards the deity, lineage masters and that of the tradition collects a certain amount of negative karma but in nature connects with the Buddha nature within. A Buddha is a Buddha, any thought of hatred or malice would not harm Him, but only plant seeds of enlightenment for the future. Either way things will work out fine.

The ancient Kadampa masters always tells us to think with broad and expansiveness of the mind, look further into the future and we shall be able to do more to benefit others. Such is the nature of an enlightened Mind which we need to badly nurture. This thought coupled with compassion and skillful means brings us yonder to a world better known as Bliss. The wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden’s encompassing qualities of body, speech, mind, qualities and activities renders such an amazing chance for sentient beings who are sunk in the seas of Samsara to be able to obtain his sacred blessing in this way. He is therefore a Buddha WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION!

Within a short span of time and given the geographical and demographical set downs of Tibet, the practice of Dorje Shugden has definitely outshone many older teachings which had originated in Tibet. During times of hardship when the people and their religion was put down badly to the point of extermination, Dorje Shugden held these people within the folds of his robes and ensured them safety. Such is the display of his unfeigned powers of protection. A good example was Dorje Shugden’s powers in shielding the Dalai Lama on HH’s escape from Lhasa to India. Without doubt Dorje Shugden’s powers have ensured a nation in exile to have a spiritual leader today. Definitely to be able to protect the Dalai Lama from the Red Guard would not only mean skillful magical powers but the merit to put on hold negative karma from ripening on the people who will be without a refuge in the world. Dorje Shugden is the wrathful King of Dharma Protectors in which we can take refuge for whatever obstacles we may face for His might is infallible!

Recollecting the above few points which I have highlighted, it is safe for us to accept and love Dorje Shugden. A protector Buddha with characteristics such as I’ve mentioned above would not harm anyone regardless who they are. If they cannot harm beings such as Trijang Rinpoche, why would He want to harm HHDL and the cause of Tibet? If he is so malicious, it would be right for Trijang Rinpoche, the junior tutor of HHDL to warn us also. If Trijang Rinpoche is wrong, HHDL will have to be wrong also! And there goes the rest of the world of Buddhism.

Loving Dorje Shugden means to embrace the teachings of his spiritual master, Je Tsongkhapa. By practicing the paths of Lojong(Mind Transformation), Lamrim(Stages of the Path) and Mahamudra(the Great Seal) one delights the heart of Dorje Shugden and we will be blessed.

Love all Lamas

We are fortunate to be able to be reborn in this era where technology has brought our living standards to a point whereby we do not need to endure hardships for our daily needs. Our material needs are pretty much taken care of. Education is affordable though may vary according to our family background but we will not be easily left uncared for. On top of that, we are more fortunate to have met our Spiritual Guide of a valid tradition stemming from Buddha Shakyamuni’s time. If we have such fortune, we should really appreciate and rejoice in the merits which we have amassed over time.

With technology also, we have access to highly evolved beings such as HHDL and Lamas of traditions of Lord Buddha. These traditions sprouted when Dharma was bare in the lands of barbarians and these masters and their patriachs went through hardships and sacrifice to establish the good news of the sacred Dharma in these lands. We need to understand the nature of Dharma which is very precious and not easy to phatom in the minds of the unsown. The amount of love, work, cajoling, beating, punishments etc in order to get the Dharma settled within our mindstream.

Whether their actions are wrathful or peaceful, their motivation is focused in bringing the Dharma, the nectar which is the medicine to heal our sufferings and negative emotions. This is done in order to uplift us and bring us to come to terms with ourselves in peace and happiness. And on a higher level, empower us to empower others with the holy words and practice of the Omniscient Lord Buddha. This is done in order to preserve the wondrous holy Dharma which we have received much benefit from. We need to keep it alive so that the generations that come after us may be able to benefit from it as well.

Heal the world

Healing a world damaged and hurt by pollutions of the mind and physical pollution is by far the hardest and most mind boggling task to do in this era and time. Convenience is the great cause for this to happen. The peace which we envision for the world today might not be what we can achieve with our own two hands. But here’s what I think is possible:

1. Promoting the Gaden tradition:
Our tradition is rich with the fruits of all four schools of Buddhism in Tibet(Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, Kadam) we shall promote Lama Tsongkhapa’s tradition in accordance with the disposition of the people of today. People from all walks of life should bask in the sunshine of the Gaden tradition. In doing so, we promote spiritual harmony amongst other schools too!

2. Dorje Shugden – Protector of Universal Peace
Like the mother Matzu of China/Taiwan, this deity has been honored by the UNESCO as one of its world peace ambassadors. We can write and promote Dorje Shugden as means of UNIVERSAL PEACE for all.

3. Go Vegetarian
Peace is a result of non-violence, I urge everyone who reads this to dedicate one week of your vegetarian diet towards this cause. Make a prayer to Dorje Shugden and dedicate it to this cause. Earnest prayers coupled with action begets results.

4. Raise awareness of the sufferings of suppression
Monks who are practitioners of Dorje Shugden are suppressed for their religious beliefs, we need to raise awareness about this matter and release these monks from their confusion and mental turmoil.

Do take a good read and give your feedback on what we can do to make this happen!

Harry Nephew :cool:


  • Summary from forum members :D
    Loving Shugden
    The current result; people have heard about Tibetan Buddhism, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Lamas, Rinpoches, Geshes, and of course Dorje Shugden. Without any doubt it has triggered in the recipient’s mind that such things exist. Those who are concerned showed signs of care which triggers the dormant compassion in them, allowing a seed of liberation in the form of Compassion and Love to sprout in barren grounds of today’s world of advanced technology. Those who show hate and malice towards the deity, lineage masters and that of the tradition collects a certain amount of negative karma but in nature connects with the Buddha nature within. A Buddha is a Buddha, any thought of hatred or malice would not harm Him, but only plant seeds of enlightenment for the future. Either way things will work out fine.

    Within a short span of time and given the geographical and demographical set downs of Tibet, the practice of Dorje Shugden has definitely outshone many older teachings which had originated in Tibet. Uncommon in any tradition of Buddhism, Dorje Shugden arises to teach when the Dharma is degenerating. True to his predecessor’s personalities, Dorje Shugden is a master of both Sutras and Tantric teachings. Loving Dorje Shugden means to embrace the teachings of his spiritual master, Je Tsongkhapa. By practicing the paths of Lojong(Mind Transformation), Lamrim(Stages of the Path) and Mahamudra(the Great Seal) one delights the heart of Dorje Shugden and we will be blessed. A demon would not require this of us to make him happy.

    Love all Lamas
    Different views and points highlighted during the process of teaching and disseminating the Dharma is often misread as means to oppose another party. Similarly when we approach one Lama and we are taught one thing but the next Lama whom we meet teaches us something contradicting, we should examine ourselves and not the qualified Lamas.

    Heal the world
    Go Vegetarian
    Peace is a result of non-violence, I urge everyone who reads this to dedicate one week of your vegetarian diet towards this cause. Make a prayer to Dorje Shugden and dedicate it to this cause. Earnest prayers coupled with action begets results.

    Be peace, be love and be liberation

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