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Time to Leave the Womb-Planet, and Join the other Evolved-Beings

edited February 2012 in General Banter
In reality, we exist as one planet, a rock, in an incredibly large galaxy, which exists as one part of an unimaginably larger yet Universe. Yet we have been grounded to earth for so long, and have developed such complex social organizations and moralistic power structures, that we really believe that we are the center of the universe. That everything revolves around our petty differences. The idea is absurd when you consider the fact that there exist hundreds of billions of stars, perhaps, in our galaxy. No matter how you do the math, in terms of figuring out figures that make logical sense, all the way down to intelligent life, there must be many, many other civilizations that exist in our galaxy, let-alone in our Universe. Then you must consider that it is possible that there exists many other life-forms that exist outside of conditions that we believe defines life. We are discovering more and more that life is possible outside of conditions we have generally considered, and if you consider other types of life-forms, that opens up the number of possible other life unimaginably more yet.

When you factor everything in, and then consider that our Sun is about at its halfway point, in terms of its development and life-cycle, there must be millions of other civilizations. Given our Suns’ development, that it is at the approximate half-way point of its life-cycle, about half of them would be more developed than us. We are literally about half-way through our development, at least relative to a Suns’ life-cycle. This is what is being represented by the Eight-Circuits of Consciousness. “Modern Society” represents the Fourth Circuit. This is the final stage of larval-existence, or primative-robot existence, grounded to the womb-planet. From here we retract Larval imprints, and began to develop ways of existing that are more individual in nature, and represent Self-Empowered Post-Terrestrial existence.

Naturally, ways of allowing people to be individuals, and then connect with similar-minds across the globe, was necessary in order to assist in developing our Consciousness, so as to evolve and then eventually retract womb-planet imprints and have a Godly existence in which we create our own realities, our own worlds. This is our destiny. We have the capabilities to do it now, and it is more relevent, natural, and possible than ever before.


  • Riiiiiiiiiiight............

  • Riiiiiiiiiiight............

    Really we're the only relevant planet in the universe. I'm just talking crazy ;)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I like this thread! And I will agree with you!
  • I like this thread! And I will agree with you!
    Thank you! It is strange in how incredible this, and various other things I have come to realize, and yet how undeniable and logical it all is. I believe that it is genetically hard-wired into the majority of the Human's population that they cannot imagine Post-Terrestrial existence, existence fundamentally different, and beyond, larval society. This explains the extreme skepticism(^^) seen by some, while the rationale for it is undeniable, it is an irrational faith-system to believe we are the only developed life in the galaxy/universe. This is counter-intuitively humorous, because people who talk about aliens are often considered to be "strange," when those who ardently deny the possibility of life outside of Earth are demonstrating a belief which has no grounding in logical reasoning.
  • We are literally about half-way through our development, at least relative to a Suns’ life-cycle.
    No, because life on earth is a very recent phenomena compared to cosmic time scales involving billions of years. Humanity is just a flash in the pan.


  • We are literally about half-way through our development, at least relative to a Suns’ life-cycle.
    No, because life on earth is a very recent phenomena compared to cosmic time scales involving billions of years. Humanity is just a flash in the pan.


    Higher intelligences mass-seed planets across the galaxy with an amino-acid template that serves as a message, or an evolutionary code, for the development of life and consciousness on the planet. The lower four circuits represent larval existence, culminating in "modern society." Evolution continues infinitely, though, and now is the time for mass amounts of individuals to activate these circuits of consciousness, and form new Post-Terrestrial Hives/Societies.
  • These Higher Intelligences that exist in the Galaxy/Universe, by the way, are simply farther along than us in the evolution of Consciousness, and could be looked at simply as Us-In-The-Future.
  • What amazes me about Earth is not that life exists, but that it's teeming with life. There's almost no place on Earth that it doesn't exist. Deserts, mountain-tops, deep-sea vents.
  • What amazes me about Earth is not that life exists, but that it's teeming with life. There's almost no place on Earth that it doesn't exist. Deserts, mountain-tops, deep-sea vents.
    Exactly, how strange it is to think this is the only planet with life, when it exists in all of the various environments available on the planet. Then you consider the practically infinite amount of other planets, and we want to believe we are the only intelligent life? It's madness! lol
  • I like this thread! And I will agree with you!
    Thank you! It is strange in how incredible this, and various other things I have come to realize, and yet how undeniable and logical it all is. I believe that it is genetically hard-wired into the majority of the Human's population that they cannot imagine Post-Terrestrial existence, existence fundamentally different, and beyond, larval society. This explains the extreme skepticism(^^) seen by some, while the rationale for it is undeniable, it is an irrational faith-system to believe we are the only developed life in the galaxy/universe. This is counter-intuitively humorous, because people who talk about aliens are often considered to be "strange," when those who ardently deny the possibility of life outside of Earth are demonstrating a belief which has no grounding in logical reasoning.
    There is a difference between realization and your mind spinning off into fantasy.
    I dont think that people who talk about the possibility of life on other planets are considered to be strange. I believe it is fairly well accepted. I think I read that NASA has sent another probe to Mars. Part of the mission is to continue to search for evidence that life is a possibility there.

  • The lower four circuits represent larval existence, culminating in "modern society." Evolution continues infinitely, though, and now is the time for mass amounts of individuals to activate these circuits of consciousness, and form new Post-Terrestrial Hives/Societies.
  • @immersed one - agree with you that 'alien' life is as close to a certainty as youre going to get (check out the silicone based life found on earth that doesnt fit into MRSGREN... by definition hinting at non-earth life...)

    That said, until it is discovered then it is possible that we are alone and life is unique to this planet - it sounds counter-intuitive but then so is most of physics.

    I was with you in some parts but then it spiralled into an area that is unfamiliar to me - could you possibly post some links or references to stuff you have considered in reaching your conclusion - I would be very interested to read around on this point... thanks

  • @immersed one - agree with you that 'alien' life is as close to a certainty as youre going to get (check out the silicone based life found on earth that doesnt fit into MRSGREN... by definition hinting at non-earth life...)

    That said, until it is discovered then it is possible that we are alone and life is unique to this planet - it sounds counter-intuitive but then so is most of physics.

    I was with you in some parts but then it spiralled into an area that is unfamiliar to me - could you possibly post some links or references to stuff you have considered in reaching your conclusion - I would be very interested to read around on this point... thanks

    I would recommend reading Timothy Leary.
  • Thanks - appreciate your guidance
  • @zero I thought you were gonna find me some saucers?!
  • Thanks - appreciate your guidance
    I'm glad to see the interest! Timothy Leary, as well as some others, like John Lily and Terence Mckenna, were simply ahead of their times, by far. The thing is, they are still way ahead of the times today. Not it simply takes people becoming educated on the truth that is out there, and learning to experience higher and higher planes of reality.
  • Womb-Planet, that sounds a little embarrassing for some reason.
  • I'm still looking @lady_alison... nothing as yet!
  • I recently read an article about finding an earth-like planet that possible could have life like our's and it is relative close at 22 light-years away.

    This got me thinking. 22 light-years is still extremely far away. I wonder if there is/was a higher being that put us and the earth purposely far away from everything in the universe. Sure, we can get out into space, but traveling 22 light-years is darn near impossible to even fathom. And maybe there's a good reason for that.

    1. Maybe we are being punished. Perhaps our species committed something horrible and are condemned to be isolated on our rock.

    2. We are being protected from some great evil out in the far reaches of the universe.

    3. We are not yet worthy to see the other parts of the universe until we all become enlightened.

    4. We are some type of experiment, needed to be kept away from the rest of the universe.
  • When considering the amount of time it takes to travel in space, it must be remembered: time is relative. Your experience of time is directly related to how fast you are going. The faster you are going, as you are going faster in space, your perception of time will be far slower. If an alien civilization were coming to see us, travelling somewhere near the speed of light, in what seemed to them to be a year long trip would be millions of years, on Earth-time. "Objective time" is actually relative to Earth; there is, therefore, no objective time.
  • When considering the amount of time it takes to travel in space, it must be remembered: time is relative. Your experience of time is directly related to how fast you are going. The faster you are going, as you are going faster in space, your perception of time will be far slower. If an alien civilization were coming to see us, travelling somewhere near the speed of light, in what seemed to them to be a year long trip would be millions of years, on Earth-time. "Objective time" is actually relative to Earth; there is, therefore, no objective time.
    That's right, I forgot about that. Maybe we are meant to travel far after all.

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