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why do we meditate

edited February 2012 in Meditation
I was thinking based on another post. There are many reasons people meditate, and I don't want to really judge it based on the reasons we all 'should' be meditating (like we should all be trying for the ultimate enlightenment) but the reasons simple and lofty.

To start I will say my reasons have evolved. i started because it just interested me to have that quiet mind. I had a few periods where I felt kinda cool to be the meditator I will admit. Then a year or 2 ago in a group we were talking and one reason is to stop or subdue that chain of events that causes pain. So when there is a painful action and it starts to spread through human interactions then hopefully with our awareness and training we can not pass the pain on. We can transmute to more compassion, practice right speech, etc. to handle the situation without adding our own crap to the chain of reactions.

Also sometimes I just need to take a break from it all, back off, and realize all this stuff isn't so important after all.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    i just like the challenge of making myself shut up for a while.....
  • i just like the challenge of making myself shut up for a while.....
    HAHAha, can I suggest this challenge to my mother?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I think we'll both find it's not exclusive, :D so feel free!!
  • i once heard of a zen master who saw all the worlds problems and honestly believed that it was so because he didn't practice/meditate more.

    it's this kind of motivation that i personally admire.

    in a way we all come to meditation and spirituality to help ourselves. then we end up helping everyone else. because to truly help ourselves is to help everyone else.

    and when we see how meditation can benefit not only ourselves but everyone around us.
    then meditation becomes the hallmark and focus in life. and eventually meditation and life are in union.

    it is compassion that fuels the sittings. compassion for self and other. even if it is a projection, it is a noble one. in my humble opinion.
  • I used to meditate before I knew what meditation was.

    Then I met meditation and was quite excited about it - it provided me with a focus and a ritual and it was relaxing - it was also an essential method of practice.

    Then meditation became less a thing I did and more a state of waking mind.

    Currently, I either dont meditate at all or I am in a state of constant meditation.

    When the nature of reality is perceived beyond all doubt, accepted as it is and the observer has no relevance, is not everything we do from that 'source' or natural state a form of meditation?
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