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not fixing self

edited February 2012 in Buddhism Today
I think this may be modern buddhism because of the western (or at least US) fascination with self help, diets, and imporovement plans.

I am thinking of the middle way and self compassion and the idea of giving up fixing ourselves because we ar buddhas now as-is. I stopped trying to fix myself years ago because it felt like a violence of some sort, that was very much part of my relationship of many years as well. But I also have to accept when my actions need to be corrected.

One idea within some branch of buddhism (memory is an issue for me that I accept) is that we do not need to work so much to become buddhas or enlightened, we simply need to see that we are. The fuzzy veil between us and that knowledge is all that is stopping us. However this is in the simple but not easy category. So our practices are more focused on lifting that veil of delusion rather than improving ourselves to buddha hood.

This is an idea that could easily be used to endorse hedonism, however balancing it with the understanding we can make mistakes, we canlearn from that, and we can cause suffering to others is important. it is not a free ride to accept we are buddhas and then do whatever feels good.

And this makes me realize why I really do not like the goal setting/personal improvement plan we are doing at work. Okay it is goundbreaking to be part of this. we are probably the only school district doing this on all levels (bus drivers, lunch ladies, teachers, etc) but i am struggling with it anyway.

Would this in an expanded form and with references be a good idea for the blog I wonder?


  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited February 2012
    you cannot teach a student something they do not already know.

    you just open up the potentiality for the student to open their eyes and realize for themselves.

    if you want to fix self then that affirms self.
    if you don't want to fix self then that affirms self.

    see the paradox? it is because there is self posited already. that right there is the issue.

    thus all direct methods point to reality as it is. all gradual methods allow for this fact of reality to either be more apparent to us or recondition our patterns of ignorance into clear seeing of reality.

    thus the direct path and gradual path are the same. there is vertical development as well as horizontal.

    set goals that are reachable, while at the same time realizing the path is the goal. thus one strives hard with a lightness. one goes for gold, with joy.

    god bless.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Go for it, makes for a thought-provoking front-page....
  • One idea within some branch of buddhism (memory is an issue for me that I accept) is that we do not need to work so much to become buddhas or enlightened, we simply need to see that we are.
    Who is?
  • You might want to read Jane Brunette's article Recognizing That We Are All Buddhas: The Path To Fearlessness if you haven't.
  • thank you all, I will look at that article tonight. I would love to read what others say on the subject.

    @conrad, Who is? we all are
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