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shanyinshanyin Novice YoginSault Ontario Veteran
edited February 2012 in Philosophy
To help center myself I have been doing reiki energy healing, along with breath, and chakras meditations.

Reiki healing is based on universal life force energy. Some 'reiki masters' tie that in with a loving, gratuitous energy in the universe. Like Chi, or prajna to the yogis. I can quote the Suttra on the Total Annhilation of the Dharma as the Buddha using the words vital force.

Now, I have been getting into chakras. Bassically I feel I can wrap my mind around life force energy. Even one buddhist teacher in the area that I am going to be living soon believes as we are stimulated by media all the time, "we actually love less", or to Eckhart Tolle, watching television excessively "drains you of creativity and energy". And VEN. ABBOT HSUAN HUA’S believes these things drain life force.

And I can kind of sense that with all that stuff so it has some meaning to me and I feel better when I do reiki. I'm not dwelling or anything on that but...

What are chakras? Spinning balls of energy in our bodies? Can anyone tell me about them.

I have a guided chakra meditation he wants me to try.


  • edited February 2012

    "The chakras are said to be "force centers" or whorls of energy permeating, from a point on the physical body, the layers of the subtle bodies in an ever-increasing fan-shaped formation. Rotating vortices of subtle matter, they are considered the focal points for the reception and transmission of energies. Different systems posit a varying number of chakras; the most well-known system in the West is that of seven chakras."


    "In addition to the 7 major chakras, there are a number of other chakras which have importance within different systems. For example, Woodroffe describes 7 head chakras (including Ajna and Sahasrara) in his other Indian text sources. Lowest to highest they are: Talu/Talana/Lalana, Ajna, Manas, Soma, Brahmarandra, Sri (inside Sahasrara), Sahasrara. In addition, the chakra Hrit known as the wish-fulfilling tree is often included below the heart, which may be the same as a chakra known as Surya located at the solar plexus. Some models also have a series of 7 lower chakras below muladhara that go down the legs."

    The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience points out that there is no agreement about the number of chakras. Also, "The chakra system... has no proven relationship with the anatomy or physiology of the human body. Nothing resembling the energy of the chakras has ever been detected, despite the exquisite sensitivity of modern instruments."

    Fun fact: See those dots on Buddha's head? Some say those represent his crown chakra. :)

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Great thread!
  • Very. Cool. Bekenze.
  • Shanyin, they say chakras take in energy from the environment, and feed your energetic system (your life force). They correspond to the endocrine system (thymus gland is at the heart chakra, throat chakra = thyroid, pituitary = between the eyebrows or just above there, pineal gland = crown chakra, to name a few). The goal of chakra meditation is to keep them balanced and running smoothly. With stress, emotional trauma, they can get sort of lop-sided or even work backward, springing a leak, and leaking your life force out into the environment. Not good. Anyway, the meditations may help you become more aware of subtle energies in the body.

    This sounds like an interesting practice/path you're embarking on. Let us know how it goes. :)
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    Very good and fitting information Dakini, thank you :D. And sure I'll bookmark and let you know later.
  • There are vowel sounds you can do and hold your hand on the chakra as you make the vowel at a time.

    root - uuuuuuuuuu (tune it so you feel the vibration in your root, not the body exactly but it seems in the buttox region. A good place to start feeling the difference between the flesh and chakras is in the solar plexus when you take a deep breath and let go.

    The root is kind of like that.

    Awareness beams to each of the chakras and it just unfolds they may be like suns but they can also be experienced as a sort of collector of energy maybe?

    The chakras I believe can also be found in awe of nature. That is especially true of the root chakra.


    Energies of the chakras:

    crown - spirituality
    ajna - healing
    throat - multi-faceted like music? expression?
    heart - humanity and empathy
    navel - emotionality and spontaneity
    root - vitality

  • sovasova delocalized fractyllic harmonizing Veteran
    So, the physical body is an emanation into the world of form. Your chakras are not within the world of form.. I think it may make more sense to say that your chakras contain your body, rather than say your body contains your chakras.

    I like to think of the heart as the center, and 3 above it (throat, "third eye" location, and crown) and 3 below (sacral, solar plexus, and root).

    Reiki is awesome, by the way. It can really tune you into the energy field of your body. Listen deeply to your body and let the energy flow =)
  • I do some work with the chakras in my Kundalini yoga practice. Your envisioned work sounds wonderful, and I wish you much success @shanyin!
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    thanks for your support guys bookmarked
  • Can chakra work be done as a beginner?

    I'm interested in learning, too.
  • If you take up Kundalini yoga, chakra work is part of it, according to what weighted said on another thread. Probably TX isn't the best place to look for chakra-work instructors. Except Austin, maybe.
  • Then I'm gonna have to look for a kubdalini instructor.thanks...

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