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What does "internally and externally" mean in meditation?

edited February 2012 in Meditation
Like in this example:
In this way he remains focused internally on feelings in & of themselves, or externally on feelings in & of themselves, or both internally & externally on feelings in & of themselves.


  • edited February 2012
    "Monks, I will teach you the Dhamma admirable in the beginning, admirable in the middle, admirable in the end; I will expound the holy life both in its particulars & in its essence, entirely complete, surpassingly pure — in other words, the six sextets. Listen & pay close attention. I will speak."

    "As you say, lord," the monks responded.

    The Blessed One said: "The six internal media should be known. The six external media should be known. The six classes of consciousness should be known. The six classes of contact should be known. The six classes of feeling should be known. The six classes of craving should be known.

    "'The six internal media should be known.' Thus was it said. In reference to what was it said? The eye-medium, the ear-medium, the nose-medium, the tongue-medium, the body-medium, the intellect-medium. 'The six internal media should be known.' Thus was it said. And in reference to this was it said. This is the first sextet.

    "'The six external media should be known.' Thus was it said. In reference to what was it said? The form-medium, the sound-medium, the aroma-medium, the flavor-medium, the tactile sensation-medium, the mind objects-medium. 'The six external media should be known.' Thus was it said. And in reference to this was it said. This is the second sextet.

    Dwelling at Savatthi. "When a fool is obstructed by ignorance and conjoined with craving, this body thus results. Now there is both this body and external nama-&-rupa (mind-&-body). Here, in dependence on this duality, there is contact at the six senses. Touched by these, or one or another of them, the fool is sensitive to pleasure & pain.
  • edited February 2012
    In this way he remains focused internally on feelings in & of themselves, or externally on feelings in & of themselves, or both internally & externally on feelings in & of themselves.
    externally, is the feelings arising, existing & passing in external mind-&-bodies

    for example, your friend is sad, crying, unhappy. you discern feeling has arisen in their mind; discern this feeling, in their body & mind, is arising & passing; is impermanent; is not-self; just mind & matter, including feeling

    instead of thinking: "my dear friend Bothi, the person, is unhappy", mind sees directly: "feeling has arisen in that external nama-rupa"; anatta; not-self; anBothi; not-Bothi


  • ...for example, your friend is sad, crying, unhappy. you discern feeling has arisen in their mind; discern this feeling, in their body & mind, is arising & passing; is impermanent; is not-self; just mind & matter, including feeling

    Yes, that's how I understand it. Mindfulness is directed both "inwards" and "outwards".

  • edited February 2012
    Yes, that's how I understand it. Mindfulness is directed both "inwards" and "outwards".
    Yes. Mindfulness & clear-comprehension (sati-sampajjana) see the five aggregates both internally & externally. Often, the meditator may see the selfless five aggregates internally but does not comprehend them externally. Although they may see anatta, not-self or 'no person' internally, they are still seeing selves and 'persons' externally, thus in a duality of not-self internally but self externally.

    Dogen said: "To study the Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things of the universe. To be enlightened by all things of the universe is to cast off the body and mind of the self as well as those of others."


  • Often, the meditator may see the selfless five aggregates internally but does not comprehend them externally.
    In a way I can see it more clearly with other people.

    Spiny ;)
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