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about metta

edited February 2012 in Meditation
I just wanted to know if others have had interesting reponses to doing metta for another, especially when there is some tension/drama going on? I haven't had any psychic, flashing lights, woo woo stuff. But there have been times when the next day I am already catching myself noticing a significant change.

In my case it seems for better or for worse I can have a strong effect on people around me,

My reason to bring this up is that I got an email half sentence message from my former guy at midnight. He has never been the first one to initiate contact after a break up and I never expected it. I had started doing some very short metta type thing (I need to have it handy, I just wing it) for most everyone involved in the mess yesterday for the first time. Based on many experiences I will not make any expectations to cling to, however it was interesting.

Anyone else please?


  • I'm going through a harrowing break-up myself, and I've been practicing metta meditation every day. It definitely helps. I notice a change in mindset and in my mood; I also feel more content, catch myself smiling at nothing during the day, and it's allowed me to begin to make peace with things and feel connected to all beings at the same time.

    Metta meditation is the only one I practice in a guided form. I find the repetition of the words and phrases helpful to hear and then repeat internally on my own - otherwise I just get lost in thought.
  • I'm just curious if he was reaching out to you? Was it done in a peaceful manner? Are you okay?
  • Yes peaceful and I guess reaching out. I am okay, really emotionally moved on. But I wished we could have a good talk at that end instead of the stalker person taking that opportunity from me
  • I think you may be onto something there... for want of a better way of putting it, I too notice reality reacting to my approach...
  • Good @zero. I have had some interesting experiences from metta and other forms of focused prayer/meditation. Rarely what I could predict but when my intention was pretty darn good it seems to work out.
  • Yes peaceful and I guess reaching out. I am okay, really emotionally moved on. But I wished we could have a good talk at that end instead of the stalker person taking that opportunity from me
    I'm glad you're able to approach this with no attachment and with metta.

    It sounds to me like you resent the fact that there was no closure? I don't know the full situation here, but perhaps you might still have that chat with him that was prevented after all. He reached out; maybe this is a good time to meet with no attachment and no ill will, just to talk and officially move on?
  • Hmm I think resent is too strong of a word. Maybe the first couple days, I see a missed opportunity.
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