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Music that was meaningful

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited February 2012 in General Banter
What moved you? You can tell a story about it. Or not. So I think this one says something about me when I was going mental. In the hospital they asked you to write a sentence and I posted: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy yellow dog. Which has all the letters of the alphabet and I learned it typing which kind of centered me. My doc eventually was named Fox, doctor Fox.


  • How about this, jiffy. I has to learn how to announciater vowels in musical theatre like this :

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Reminds me of a memory haunting me in cub scouts. Roger's (scoutmaster) small son kept smiling and saying that.
  • Really?! You were a little cub scout? Cute!
  • When you were in the hospital, how did you come up with that reminds me of looney tunes or an old cartoon...the fox and the hound.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2012
    When you were in the hospital, how did you come up with that reminds me of looney tunes or an old cartoon...the fox and the hound.
    I didn't want them to read my mind so I picked a sentence from typing class. Eventually when I told them about my life as they assessed me I burst out crying. This hospital was very healing. It was like group living. You walk through the door a destroyed person. Whatever happens comes from you and the community.
  • Assess is a weird word.
  • Lol...why do you think it's a weird word?

    Who sings this song. It's beautiful, just like you.
  • Belle and Sebastian..

    Their music calls to me. Breath of life. Breath of feeling. Soothing. Calming. Cheering :) Sad, Lilting, Willows, Gone...Coming back, Ceiling, Archway, Marbles, Wheel, Path..Adjusting.
  • Strange enough, they call to me too.

    Do you like Simon and Garfunkel "sound of silence..."

    Hello darkness, my old friend. . .
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2012
    Oh yeah my father and brother loved Simon and Garfunkle. I had a tape in highschool that I would listen to at night. Way back when.
  • When I hears the belle and sabastion song, I got chills around my scalp/ head!

    That means my soul liked it.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited February 2012
    this is an interesting topic, and I remember reading an article - or maybe it was someone's post, either on this forum or another - that any piece of music that moves us, is a brilliant example of DO, and an extremely good way of looking at Self/Not-self....

    Take this short but powerful piece of music, for example:

    Please close your eyes, as the video imagery is distracting. Please, just for the first time, don't look- just listen.

    this is my absolutely mostest favouritest piece of music ever ever ever, because my now deceased father, used to play it so beautifully.... (I'm welling up as I type)
    He played it in concert once, and i wept buckets....

    it's extremely difficult to play, because Rachmaninov had a handspan of 11 notes - over an octave....
    anyhow, the whole composition, together, makes my heart soar....
    but then, if you listen to a piece of music, over and over again, particularly the specific piece that opens your soul - and begin to 'detach' one instrument form the others, and listen to that alone, you begin to see the skandas - the sum of the parts - the components which make up the whole - and the piece's impact begins to dissipate, as you see it for what it is:
    Every component is dependent on every other component to give it substance, meaning and 'power'. Each component on its own is highly important and significant, and the whole would be poorer for its absence - but without its fellow players, its impact is not as forceful, and it works better when sustained, backed and supported by all the others....
    so the piece of music I posted is magnificent, and just stops me in my tracks when i hear it - but by breaking it down to its individual contributory parts, its revealed to me in all its glory - separate, yet whole.....and i see its ordinariness, and it's majesty, all at the same time....
    And if my ears could not hear it, how would it speak to me, at all?
  •! I do love this piece...I feel as you do about Vivaldi.

    I love how you described that, much better than I would have.
  • @Jeffrey I have tried hard to think of one certain piece of music but by picking one, I see the others short. There have been times in life that all I've had to rely on is music. Isn't it wonderful that in a world that sometimes seems to have cast you aside, you are able to find comfort and literally life saving grace in music that speaks you?
  • @mframzdorf or @federica...I'm on my mobile and I can't post this YouTube video.

    Will you guys be kind and post coldplay 's "us against the world "...please.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited February 2012
  • Love you girly!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    sure you do..... now..... :p
  • Jiffy, speaking of rabbit holes.

    Have you ever heard the band called shinedown, they have a song called "her name is Alice."

    Why do you think I picked Alison as a username? Will you post it, I am on my mobile.
  • Thank you!
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